Marlee and Grandma B were out in the kitchen at Marleewood making bread pudding. Marlee loved to help bake and it was always a good time to visit with her Grandma B. Marlee wanted to know if Grandma Lu was ever going to come back. She wanted to get started writing that book! Grandma B chuckled and said, "Well, it takes awhile to get all the pictures together. Once you get the pictures all gathered up, then you have to start telling a little story to go with it, remember?"
Marlee nodded her head sadly and said, "Yes, I remember, but I sure do wish I could just know when she was coming to help me." About that time, the door opened to the back kitchen with a swoosh and a 'yoo hoo'! Grandma Lu came in loaded down with pictures and a great big old book that she called a Scrapbook. It was really really old. She also had a brand new one under her arm. She had kept her promise to Marlee, hadn't she?
Grandma Lu said, "Marlee let's go to the Community Room because there are long tables in there. We need some room to do this, okay?"
Of course, Grandma B followed them in there. She had lots of pictures to add to the book too.

Grandma Lu showed Marlee her old scrapbook and how she had put pictures in it when she was a little girl. Then she opened up the new one that she had for Marlee. The inside was completely blank. She pointed to the first page and said, "Okay, Marlee, this is where we start with your book; 'Propunzul and Freddie'.
"Shall we start with Once upon a time? Or do you want to start it differently?"

Marlee kind of knew what she wanted to say, but was still too young to say it. She wanted to have Grandma Lu start the story for her. Just as Grandma Lu was going to start writing, Marlee said, "Well there was this big castle and a rock dragon called Freddie. I was little when I first read that book, now I am a big kid. Remember that mean old witch lady? I want you to help me fix what she did. I want Freddie to be able to fly again."
Grandma Lu said, "Okay, let's begin our story, ready?" Marlee nodded her head so fast she got dizzy.
"Once upon a time there was a mommie and daddie that wanted a baby really bad. They had been married a long time and still they didn't have a baby. Then one morning they were so happy. They were laughing and dancing around their little house. They were going to have a baby!

They lived in a cute little house that was next door to a mean old witch that lived in a small castle. She had a garden. The lady could see the mean old witch's garden from her window. Every day she would look at the beautiful lettuce that was growing in the garden. One day she asked her husband if he would go get her some of that beautiful lettuce out of the witch's garden. He told her that he couldn't do that because it didn't belong to them. He didn't trust that witch anyway. She had been known to do some bad things since they had lived next door to her.
His wife begged him everyday for some of that lettuce.

Finally one night he sneaked over to the witch's garden and picked some of the lettuce. He made it home safely without the witch seeing him. Oh his wife just loved that lettuce! She ate it all gone really fast. The next day his wife asked him to get her more of that delicious lettuce. Her husband refused because he was afraid of the the witch. His wife refused to eat. All she wanted was more of that wonderful lettuce. Day after day went by. His wife refused to eat anything. All she wanted was the witch's lettuce. He became afraid that his wife was going to get very sick so once again he sneaked over to the witch's garden and picked some lettuce. But this time the wicked witch caught him. "Aha! I caught you picking my lettuce. You shall pay for this. You will give me your baby when it is born. If you don't I will turn you into rocks!

So after the baby girl was born the wicked witch came into the little house and said, "Hand that baby over to me! She is beautiful. I am going to name her Propunzul!"
We have talked about promises this week so important to keep them if you can. Actually Marlee's version of Rapunzel is not so very different than the ones in the library. We will continue this series in a few days.
ReplyDeleteoh this is going to be just like tv. Start a good series and then have to wait a cpl weeks to start again. lol enjoy your time off we will be waiting for your return.
ReplyDeleteOh how funny. Yup sorry! lol
DeleteLOL Bonnie, love your comment ! Its true though ! Looking forward to the rest of the story :)
ReplyDeleteAlways good to keep what you promised.