Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Special Ranch And Special Memories

Marlee loves learning new things. She had been given a present of some puzzles by her Grandma B's friends. She loved them.  They also gave her a new book. It was a fun book about pretend monsters! Marlee loved to pretend that she was a monster and tried to scare her new friend. Oh she laughed and laughed; it was so much fun.

Marlee was going to learn lots of new things on the ranch too. Everything looked like fun to her. She saw Kane on a pile of hay with some kittens. That really looked like fun so she went to join him. Such fun. "This vacation isn't so bad after all," she thought.

 Kane's sister,  Abbi, was with their donkey, Cupcake. Marlee giggled when she found out that her name was Cupcake. She said, "I like to eat cupcakes," she grinned and gave her a pat. Abbi told Marlee that Cupcake like to play hide and seek. She laughed and said, "But we always find her."

Marlee quickly learned that life on this ranch was fun, but it took a lot of people and a lot of hard work to make the animals comfortable. She was no stranger to feeding and watering her Grandma B's mini horses and donkeys, but this ranch had many animals to care for.

 It seemed like to Marlee that a lot people were coming and going to this ranch with horse trailers to pick up or leave off not only horses, but some cattle too. Many folks came to offer some help with the animals.
Oklahoma often has bad storms and leaves the animals with no place to live. A few years ago many bad storms happened and these folks found themselves able to help. That's how it all started.
The people that own this ranch have a special place on the internet where they ask for help to care for the animals. Sometimes people need help too so they are also included.

Marlee learned that horses can help people get better if they are sick or scared. Horses can't talk, but they can love humans and loved to be loved by people as well. Marlee couldn't wait to tell her Grandma B all about this big farm.

The people that owned the ranch suggested that they go to a Dairy Ice Cream place in a small town close by. Of course, who likes ice cream more than Marlee? Just thinking of ice cream made little Marlee think of her Grandma B and going out for ice cream with sprinkles. She missed her Grandma B.

Marlee had no clue she just might meet a very important person at this little cafe.


  1. I'm sure you all hear a song and have memories of where you were when you heard it. Memories are being made for little folks too. Going out for ice cream can bring back memories not only for Marlee, but for me as well. We made ours on the farm.

  2. Im looking forward to learning about this farm and the people there.


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