Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Grandma Lu's Yard Is A Playground For Leaf Angels

The morning after the sale Grandma Lu felt bad she hadn't told her husband about her new hat that she had gotten at the Senior Center sale. She put it on and thought, "This hat really is a wonderful hat. I might just save it for good." She pranced in front of the mirror and grinned. "Oh it is such a beautiful hat. It's
just what I needed."

About the time Grandma Lu was going to go to the living room to show her husband, she heard him yell. "No, no no. Please don't play in those leaves. I have worked and worked getting them all raked up so I can burn them. Oh look what you have done. Lucky, not you too!"

Grandma Lu rushed to look out the window and there in their front yard were children and dogs having a ball in the piles of leaves her husband had raked up to burn. "Oh my. He's probably not in a good enough mood to show him my new hat. I'll go outside to see if I can't calm down this situation."
About that time the phone started ringing wanting to know if their children were there. They had seen them heading over towards their house. "I will sure go look. It seems that there are several children here this morning. They are making leaf angels. Do you want me to send them home or will you come over to get them? Never mind, I see Bradshaw and Johnnie Belle's daddy now. No that's just fine. You have a good Thanksgiving too."

"Oh mercy. What am I going to do now. I promised Grandma B and Marlee that I would be at Marleewood. Now I am going to have to help rake the leaves back up into piles to burn. I wish oak leaves would go back into the dirt like other trees' leaves, but they don't. If we don't burn them they will kill our grass. I think there is a big word for that; biodegradable. They are not," she chuckled.

"Oops, there's Erica's little dog. Oh she is so doggone cute in her jogging outfit. Listen to me. I'm making jokes. It's probably good they didn't stop for coffee this morning, it's not the more the merrier in my husband's estimation. Poor guy. I'll help him."

"Hmm, I can't see who those children are, but they are helping rake the leaves back up. Oh good my husband will be so pleased. On second thought, they are raking the leaves into a pile so their little sister can play in them. Oh I remember those days. In fact it reminds me of a story. It was a beautiful autumn day. Kaysyn was just a little girl....


  1. Playing in the leaves brings back many memories. This is just one of them when my children were small. Such fun

  2. Hahaha I could just see his face!!!!


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 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...