Friday, January 3, 2020

Grandma Lu Gets Grandma B's Letter

One day Grandma Lu went out to the mailbox to see if there were any bills in the mail. "It seems like that's all I get nowadays is bills. Hopefully, someone will send me a letter. I can't believe it!  Here's a letter from Grandma B. I wonder why she just didn't call me? I'm going to take this in the house and get me a cup of coffee. I have a feeling this just might be important."

"Ha, ha. Oh those two characters. They sent me a challenge huh? Oh this should be fun. They don't think I can write or tell a story about an enchanted forest. Well, we will just see about that. I see snow on the ground and some little elves by the trees. It's funny Marlee didn't put a Prince Charming in there somewhere. That little girl sure does like to be a princess. Oh, I have it. I need to grab a leftover Christmas cookie and get to writing a story. Oh such fun."

Grandma Lu happened to think of a friend that she had never met, but they had visited and shared stories about their lives on their computers. She happened to think that her new friend had a little dog. In fact she had two dogs. "Hmm, I think I will give Faun a call and see if it's alright to write some stories about her little dog's antics. From what I see and hear, he is a character. I think his name is Poppy. Oh and I think I will write about the Elf On The Shelf antics some of the young moms and dads are having fun with at Christmas time.

When Grandma Lu talked to Poppy's human she gave the green light. Oh that tickled Grandma Lu. She could think of so many stories to tell to little Marlee and her Grandma B. Challenge, ha!

"Your challenge is accepted Grandma B and Marlee! I got this, B"
 And Grandma Lu sat down at her computer and started the story that she was sure would win.

Once upon a time there was a lady and her husband who had a little dog named Poppy........


  1. There is nothing Grandma Lu likes better than a challenge. I wonder what the next story will be about....

  2. hahaha love the addition to your picture "I accept the challenge B" too funny.


Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...