Friday, January 1, 2021

Ice Cream, Angels, And Magic!

 Down the street from the cafe there was a poor little girl and her sister that had an ice cream stand. They had no store, no home with a warm fire, or soft beds. They had a room with only one small bed that they shared in a boarding house down the street. Christmas dinner this year was going to consist of just an ice cream cone that was left over from their sales that day. But Marlee was happy to have that. She usually had a smile on her face regardless if she had had a good day or not. She loved her little ice cream stand. She had had it for years. She used to have a good business when her parents were alive, but now since it was just her and her sister 

their business was really slow and barely enough to pay the rent and to buy some food.
Marlee and her sister were just going to close their little ice cream stand and go back to their room when a little girl came up and asked for an ice cream bar. Marlee told her that she was out of ice cream bars, but had just one ice cream cone left. She was welcome to that if she wanted it. The little girl said, "I think you should double check. I have a feeling that you still have one ice cream bar left." 
Even though Marlee knew there was but one ice cream cone left, she checked and to her surprise there was one ice cream bar! She said, "How did you know that I had an ice cream bar left?" The little girl smiled and started to eat her sweet treat.

Once again Marlee and her little sister, started to clean up and go back to the boarding house, when another little girl stopped and asked for an ice cream cone. Marlee sighed and said, "Sure, here you go. Merry Christmas. No charge." But said it with a smile. It was Christmas Eve after all.

Her little sister said, "But that was going to be our supper. Now we won't have anything to eat at all." Marlee looked down at her sister and said, "It's Christmas Eve, Whitlee. It's the right thing to do." She looked up and couldn't believe her eyes. The cafe down the street had people outside waiting to get in. Just moments before  she had noticed just one lady going in. The cafe's business was slow too. She said, "Whitlee, look there are some Christmas carolers, and people are lining up wanting ice cream, but we are out.  An angel appeared and smiled; Marlee felt a tickle in her ear. It seemed to say, "Look up Marlee, look. You will have a good Christmas." Marlee did look and saw a tiny little feather fall from the sky onto her ice cream stand. It was full of ice cream!

The mean old uncle was feeling especially mean tonight on Christmas Eve. He wanted everyone to feel just as bad as he did. He had sent one of his spies to watch to see what was going on on main street. He didn't like people to be happy. "Bah hum bug!"


Why would a rich man feel badly?


  1. A gentle soul of kindness will always pay off in the end. She just might be an ancestor of someone very famous and the mean old uncle. I just don't know about him. The one thing I do know is that he is a really good sport.

  2. hahaha love the grinch. Jow cute.

  3. Hahaha this story is so good full of good happiness we need this to start a fresh start to our new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUT THERE

    1. Happiest of wishes for the new year! Stay healthy all year long! And that's an order from Grandma Lu lol


Christmas Memories Continue To Pop Up

 It's the day after Christmas and all through the house is... memories. That's what is in this house. Memories of old and memories t...