Friday, February 26, 2021

Princess Marlee Wonders If Being A Princess Is a Good Thing

 The lonely princess just had a feeling that no one was going to come to her party. She just didn't know how her grandmother was going to accept the fact that no one wanted to come to Wefunland to her party. Maybe she shouldn't have made it a sleepover, maybe she shouldn't have made it a Valentines party. Maybe this maybe that. She didn't know. She decided to get up off the couch and look out the window. She looked towards the servant's castle. It used to be her grandmother's home, but she liked being with Marlee so she moved to the larger castle. Marlee usually liked to play with her grandmother and go along with her sometimes quirky ideas, but this one looked like it was going to be a flop. She took off her tiara and turned it around and around in her hands. "Is it really a good thing to be a princess? I sometimes think being a regular little girl would be more fun. I might have more friends then."

As Princess Marlee watched out the window there seemed to be quite a few more people at the smaller castle than normal. She really didn't recognize any of the people there. She sure didn't know any young men or any of the adults that she could see going in and out of the old kitchen door. "Hmm, maybe I should tell my grandmother that something is going on over there." As she turned away from the window she brushed against the curtains and went on her way to see where her grandmother was.
                                                                Grandmother Weaver

Grandmother Weaver missed her old home. "It was cozy inside those old walls. I loved my staff. They had so much fun with each other. I used to let some of their mistakes slide even though I shouldn't have. Sometimes they would go outside and build snowmen instead of doing their duties on time and being at my beck and call. They were young though. Yes, I miss them. I might take a stroll over there today to say hello."

Just for fun Princess Marlee's grandmother went into the back kitchen to see if the cooks were baking anything good. "Hmm, it's kind of dusty. I don't think they have been cleaning like they should be." It smelled like cookies were baking, but there wasn't a soul around. "Well, I wonder where everybody is?" She picked up a cookie to munch on as she wondered through the rooms that she knew so well. "Oh yes, this is home. I lived here for so many years. I do get homesick sometimes, but then I have Marlee to play with." As she neared the front door she heard voices and laughter. She looked out the window and couldn't believe her eyes. There were people everywhere! Some of them were young ladies that she had invited to the party for Princess Marlee. What are they doing here instead of Wefunland? This is preposterous! I will put an end to all this merry making. My poor granddaughter is all alone and they are having a party! 
Whitlee Jo had been laughing and meeting all kinds of children her age, some even older. There were boys and girls, men and women and dogs and horses. There were unicorns and cats and even a triceratops dinosaur wearing a tutu and a necklace. There all kinds of toys to play with and cookies to eat. She had never had more fun in her life. She knew that Unilan was the place of her dreams. But as she looked up she saw a curtain move at one of the windows of the big castle next door. She didn't think she had ever seen a more sad face on a little girl. She couldn't have that. Everybody was having fun, but about the time she was going to see who that girl was an angry old lady came stomping outside and said, "Stop! Stop this minute. Get back to work and the rest of you go home! There will be no party here."


  1. I've always wondered about the British royalty and how lonely they must be. You may want to reread the last paragraph because this is what leads you to the next story. The one to make you laugh. Have a good weekend

  2. I think it would be hard. Always people around but non friends.


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