The Grandmas decided that the next day they would meet at Marleewood. Marlee and Grandma Lu were anxious to start their new adventure. Marlee had said that she wanted to wear a hat like Grandma Lu did so Grandma Lu went rummaging through her closet and found a fun little hat for Marlee to wear, threw it in her car and away she went to Marleewood with a smile on her face. This was going to be such fun. When she walked in the back kitchen she could smell coffee perking and people talking. Sure enough it was Marlee and Grandma B. What in the world was Marlee doing? "Oh my, this might be a challenge today. I think Marlee is in charge of the story by the looks of things. Oh I can't wait to see how this turns out." "Hi, Marlee! I brought you a hat to wear. What do you think?"Marlee put that hat on and said, "This is just what I needed. Now I can write a good story. Let's get started, Grandma Lu."

"I'm already at the part where I decided that there is a princess that lives in a big castle and she is lonely. She wants some friends. She probably should have a dog too. I have a dog, and Grandma B has two dogs and horses and donkeys. She used to have cats, but they were too much trouble, so she doesn't have cats anymore."Whitlee said, "But I love cats, you should have cats in your story."
"No! I want something different. Grandma Lu what kind of animals should we have?"
"Well, do you want something magical? An animal that isn't real, but very very beautiful?" asked Grandma Lu. "Unicorns are said to be magical. I've seen pictures of them. They have long beautiful manes and tails. Some say they are the ancestors of that huge one horned animal that roamed the earth thousands of years ago, the Siberian Unicorn that I told you about. Other people say that the rhinoceros we see in zoos and that live in the wild in Africa and Asia are ancestors of those big guys. Those unicorns were even mentioned in the Bible and pictures of them were carved into stone caves. There are many countries say they had unicorns roaming their part of the world. China, Greece, Iran, France, and many others. I think it's fun for everyone to think about."
I read once in a story book that someone who is sick that is lucky enough to get a sip of the liquid from the horn of a unicorn will get all better. That's probably just make believe, but it's fun to imagine them running all around, isn't it?"
Whitlee was sitting in the kitchen listening to Marlee and Grandma Lu. She was thinking. "I have my very own baby "Uni". I love him and I go to sleep with him every night and my blankie.
If Uni's were magic I bet they would give me a beautiful castle too and my very own bedroom that was just as good as that old story princess they are talking about. I would have my very own magic land. I would call it Unilan' and I would be a princess and would throw stuff at people I didn't like or maybe just do it just for fun."

And that night as Whitlee was sleeping she dreamed all about her magic bedroom. She would have a Uni in the corner and her very own Uni in her arms. The royal crown of her mama's would be her night light and always keep her safe.
In another far away land there was another little girl that didn't have any friends either. She also had a big sister. She was always busy with her friends and even their daddy. Everyone said she was beautiful, but they seldom would play with her because she was too little. She lived in the cold and snowy part of Wefunland. She loved all of her beautiful Uni's, but oh how she wished for some people friends. Her big sister sometimes went to parties. She would like to go to a party. They would have such fun, she just knew it. It would be so easy to just ride one of her uni's on the rainbow to that big castle she had heard about.
Grandma Lu said, "Marlee, what do you think about having the princess send out invitations to a party? Surely there are children that would like to go to the castle and play maybe even stay overnight."
Marlee said, "Yes, good idea! A sleepover would be so much fun. She could just see herself writing out invitations to her party. Yes, she decided that she would be the beautiful princess.
I was the little sister once. I would look out my bedroom window and imagine myself flying through the trees to a magic land. Yes, this is where this is coming from! lol Good luck to Lyvy and Whitlee