When Allie walked back into the kitchen she did indeed see the kitchen sink complete with both hot and cold water faucets. She just shook her head and wondered why would anyone want to board up the water. She found the bucket that Josh had left sitting on the kitchen floor and tried the hot water faucet. Yes! She had hot and cold water! It was a miracle. Josh was so smart. She would have to find out if the water heater was gas or electric. Either way those bills had to be paid. She would have Josh give her a complete tour of the place. It seemed he was more knowledgeable about a lot of things than she was. She put some of the cleaning solution in the water and went to work. She had the stove and table and chairs sparkling clean. She decided she had enough time to wash down the walls of the kitchen before she started in on the upstairs bedrooms. Having a comfortable bed was a must. It had already been a busy day. She rinsed her rag in the now fairly dirty water and reached up to wash the wall by the counter. She took down some of the wall hangings and laid them on the table. When she was about half way through the one wall something hit her like a ton of bricks. One of those pictures was a picture of her mother! "No way. It just can't be. Why would Uncle Bill have a picture of her mother? Sure enough. She washed the frame and glass and held it up to the light. Mother! What is going on?"

Josh came through the door and chuckled. "Caught you talking to yourself. A sure sign this place is creepy. Makes me talk to myself. What do you have there?" Allie went running out the kitchen door and opened up the little camper. She yelled at Josh. "Help me open up this big box. I have to see something. If I'm right. We have a really big mystery on our hands."
Josh helped take the big box out and put it on the ground. Allie pushed him out of the way and started digging and throwing things out. "There! Look at this, Josh. This is my mother. So is this! So now what do you have to say?" Josh looked at both pictures. They sure looked alike to him. "Well they sure could be the same woman, but there are several years difference in the pictures. Do you really think they are both pictures of your mom?"
"Yes I do. I think there is a lot more for us to learn about this place and the people that lived on it. Oh Josh! You are tracking dirt all over my clean kitchen floor. Now I'm going to have to do it all over again. I can't now though. We, yes, we, have to go upstairs and get a couple of rooms ready to sleep in. I have bedding out on the bushes airing out in the sunshine. It will have to do until I can afford a washer and dryer. Let's get to it!"
Allie had laid the pictures on the table and was on her way up to clean. Josh lingered a bit in the kitchen. He took one of the pictures and thought and thought about what he had seen on his walk. As he was deep in thought he absent mindedly rubbed his thumb over the bottom of the old golden frame. As he put the picture on the table he picked up some rags next to it. He noticed that his thumb was a dirty golden black and the place where he had rubbed his thumb was silver! He started to yell for Allie, but thought better of it. He needed to do more investigating. At this point he didn't trust anyone in town. His mind went back to his father and how anxious he was to get Allie off the ranch. What was his old man up to? Well his dad didn't know where he was so he felt comfortable staying on the ranch awhile to help Allie and get back to his walks. Yes, that is what he was going to tell Allie. He needed fresh air and exercise so he was going to take a walk everyday. Hopefully she wouldn't find too many things for him to do so he had time.
"Josh! What are you doing down there? I need some help or you can sleep in the Jeep again tonight."
The old man's mind was busy thinking of a way to help not only the town, but the ranch he so dearly loved when he suddenly had a thought. His pace picked up a little, his back was a little straighter and his eyes sparkled. He had one old friend that he knew and trusted; Laura. He knew that she would help him and those young folks. "Yup, she should be out on a walk about now. I'll go back to the rooming house and get the car. I'm sure she will be out on the walking trail about now."
Sure enough there she was. "Hey girl, bring your grandson and jump in. I have a favor to ask of you. She waved and got in the car. "What's up? What are you doing driving? You know you are in trouble if they find you driving again," she chuckled.

"Aw, shucks, I haven't had a speeding ticket or an accident for awhile now. Get in. I need your help. You and the sheriff are good friends aren't you? Well, you need to find him and tell him that you know for a fact that folks around here are trying to run off Bill's niece, my granddaughter. I've never met her because Maggie wanted nothing to do with the dude ranch. She kept as far away as possible. She seemed to vanish into thin air until Bill found her somehow and found out she had a daughter, Her name is Allie. Naomi and I never did get to meet her, but she is a good girl and needs to get that ranch up and running again. Now Laura, they know nothing about the mine. Nobody does but you and me. We are the only ones left. It probably is overgrown with scrub brush and weeds by now I'm sure, but we made sure that there is silver hidden all over that ranch. We made sure that all the silver that I broke my back mining would someday belong to our future generations. It will all belong to Allie. She is all I have left. Will you help me? Land sakes the bank won't even give her any money!"
Laura grinned at her old friend and said, "Yup, I'll help you, but you need to promise not to drive any more."
Aww, now that's not fair! I'm stuck in that place where they watch you like a hawk and make sure I don't have a drink and fill me up with pills. Do I have to promise you that? What would Naomi say?"
"Oh, that's bad. Okay, I will go see the sheriff, but don't get yourself into any trouble. Drive that boat home and park it. Okay?"
"Aww, alright But you will go see the sheriff. Today?" When he saw Laura nod her head he headed back to the assisted living just slightly over the speed limit.
Laura watched him go and thought to herself. "What is happening to my little town? He is right. I'm going to see the sheriff right now"
I think it's interesting that Allie is so concerned over Josh tracking in dirt even though she just scrubbed the floor. That just might be the beginning of a new mystery on this ranch. Is Laura going to get the sheriff to do something?
ReplyDeleteThanks to all your folks that let me use your pictures. You are awesome!
Oh silver, a mine, hidden silver. Allie is rich no wonder they want her off the ranch.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Allie's story is so full of mysteries . It keeps getting more exciting. Hopefully Allie and Josh will have some good news coming real soon. Laura met with the Sheriff and things are sure about to get exciting at the Dude Ranch..