Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Old Miner Held His Brother Tight That Cold Lonely Night

 Rex thought about how he yelled at that young lady and her children. "I guess that wasn't necessary to talk to them like that. Just looking at those boys made me mad. Thinkin' about other little boys years ago. I loved my brother, but he asked for it. He got in my card game. It's not my fault that he gambled his ranch away. I tried to stop him. Everybody blames me! I won it fair and square. I had a royal flush. Everybody thought I should give him a break and not take the ranch. I was going to, that's a fact, but before I could talk to him and give him back the deed, he just up and left his wife. I never heard from him again. Neither did Maxine, for that matter. Well, it's over and done with now for years. No sense dwelling on the past. But I can't forget the past either. I worked that mine until my fingers bled and my back hurt with every step I took. I was proud of what I did. I even had my picture embedded in the opening so everyone would know it was my mine. It is mine and it will always be mine.

 I filled those hills with beautiful horses for Bill. I backed him with money, yes I did. Did I get any credit for that? No. That's the answer. I built up this whole little town with shops and eatin' places. I built a bank which is probably defunct by now. Crooked president I hear. Serves the people right for being mean to me. 

He looked out the window and felt that same warm feeling, he was right. He was having a stroke. What did that nurse angel say? That's what she was, an angel. She said that I could make people happy that were sad? But I'm the one that's sad. I'm sad, not mad. Huh! Well think of  that. But I don't know how to be happy. I haven't been happy for years. Angel, come back here. Help me. Please."

A soft voice whispered in his ear. "Do you remember being a child and the wonders of Christmas? I know you were poor, but being poor doesn't mean you can't dream of a new doll or a new bike or even a warm blanket. We celebrate the birth of our Savior in churches, but we also celebrate the joy and awe that we see when we decorate a Christmas tree or see Santa holding little ones on his lap. Oh yes, dear Rex, Christmas time is magic. You are so capable of spreading joy and even sprinkling a little magic in the lives of so many. What do you say? Would you like to make a lot of folks happy this Christmas?"

"Joy, magic! Phooey! I have nothing to give. I'm stuck in this old folks' home. Nobody is happy here I tell you. Nobody!"

The angel said, "Rex, you can do this. I know you can. You can put smiles on people's faces in just a matter of minutes. Here. Put this on and put a smile on your face. I happen to know that there is a Christmas tree in the lobby that needs decorated and children that need to believe in Santa Claus. There are people right here in this building that you know that need hope and something or someone to make them smile. It's the present, Rex, don't look back to the past. It's over and done with. It's been a hard year with sickness and folks losing their jobs. It's up to you to make them happy if even for a few minutes. Before you know it a lovely lady will come to you and ask you if you will be Santa for this facility. You know what your answer should be, don't you? You are the answer to many folks merry Christmas, my dear. What's it going to be?"

"Where did you go? Angel? I can't do this. I haven't even smiled more than once or twice in the last six months. That girl made me smile. Nice girl; Aaliyah. She's going to bring my ranch back to the way it should be to help people. The small voice whispered, "And that's the future, Rex. What did I just say? Help people."

"Well, maybe give them a boost or some such. Hmm. Santa? I don't think so." As he sat in his easy chair his mind went back to many years ago. It snowed in Texas. That doesn't happen very often. Times were poor. The miners weren't bringing in ore that was worth much and it was cold. He could just see Maxine with a stocking cap on bringing in her own Christmas tree. Why would she do that? Her husband was gone and she had no children. Why would she bother with that? But she smiled as she brought that tree in the house. Was that joy? I don't know. I'm going to take a little rest. I'm so tired with thinking about all this joy and magic nonsense."

Rex heard a gentle knocking at his door. A lady said that she would like to talk to him for a few minutes if he didn't mind. He was still grumpy, but he said he had a little time to talk, but make it quick. He was a busy man. She told him that the nursing home was going to have a Christmas party for the residents and people from their small town. Lots of folks didn't have anywhere to go for Christmas dinner this year. The staff were going to bring in food and maybe someone to play some music. They had even taken up a collection for toys for children whose parents couldn't afford to buy them gifts.

She said, "Rex, would you be our Santa Claus for the party? I think it would raise everyone's spirits. What do you say?"

Rex couldn't believe his ears. The angel told him that a lady would ask him to be Santa. The lady and Rex looked at his bed at the same time. There laid a Santa suit complete with beard and hat, boots and glasses. Just like the last angel had told him. The lady said, "Please, Rex. It would make so many people happy and put smiles on the children's faces. Please. If nothing else just think about it. Think of the children..." And she faded away.

"Wait! Are you an angel too? Come back here. Please." Rex caught his breath and thought, "I can't remember saying please for years. The last time was when I called Naomi's sister to bring her son, Bill to help on the ranch. Well, I guess maybe that's just too doggone long." 

He walked over to his bed and a small smile started to form on his face. "Santa. Well, why not? Okay then. She didn't say when. That's okay, I'll just put this getup on and sit and wait for them to come and get me."

As he closed his eyes he thought he could hear the laughter of children and sounds of Christmas music. "That voice almost sounds like my brother. Can't be. I haven't seen him in years.  Aww I remember when he was only about three or four years old. Some kids had told him about Santa bringing good little boys and girls presents on Christmas day. We didn't get any. That was a tough one. I held him tight that cold lonely night until he fell asleep. I promised him someday Santa would come because he was a good little boy. Yes Angel. I will be Santa for the folks here. I hope I can make their future a little brighter."


  1. Charles Dickens would shake his head at my story, but I think we all have the past present and future thoughts from time to time. The old miner did. Hopefully he will do some good for not only the facility, his hometown, but the ranch he did love.

  2. Hopefully Rex is going to change his grouchy ways. Thank goodness for the Angel for making him think about things. He hasn't said please for years and not smiled for nearly six months , oh my !!
    Maybe this will turn Rex and his attitude around by being Santa. Just maybe he can bring some Joy to others. πŸ§‘‍πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸ§‘‍πŸŽ„πŸŽ„


    1. Yes we can! Thank you❤️ Merry Christmas to you as well

  4. He has no idea the joy he will bring. Charles Dickens would be so proud of you Grandma Lu.
    We love you


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