Friday, January 28, 2022

Allie Gets Advice From Her Ancestors

 As Josh was heading down the driveway he realized that he was too late. He saw Maxine walking into her cabin with a puppy in her arms. "Well, that's different. I didn't think she was the type. I wonder where that pup came from. I also wonder what Dad talked her in to. Maybe she didn't go see him after all. I surely hope not. She's so much better off without him. I know I sure am. I think I will stop in for a minute. The most she can do is tell me to be on my way."

As he walked up to her cabin he heard her talking to the pup. "There now. I took that splinter out of your paw. What seems to be your trouble? You are dragging your leg now. Alright. you can lay down here on the couch for a bit. I guess I'd better get you some water first. Are you hungry? I don't know if I have anything for you. I don't like dogs or cats for that matter. Just sit there for a minute. I'll be right back."

When she went back to see about the pup there she was looking out the window. "What do you see, little one?"

"Oh it's Josh. Hmm, wonder what he wants? I really need to pull that money out of my account for K.R. I think he's on the up and up this time. I need a lot of money for a retainer to the best lawyer around. K.R. needs to get out of jail and start a new life. He told me that he knows for certain that the mine still has the potential to yield a lot of good quality ore. That mine is right on the edge of the property that Rex gave me. Allie has no say in the matter because Rex said I could live here for the rest of my life and that's exactly what I intend to do.  I would be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams and so would K.R. He told me that there is gold as well as silver still in that old mine. It would mean strip mining the land and using mercury to glean the two apart which isn't good for the environment. But if  he had all the money he wanted maybe he would straighten up and not go back to his old ways. I know that he did Josh wrong and so many other people. I'll just send Josh away. I'll tell him I'm paying my bills and don't have time to visit today."

Maxine didn't realize it, but her door was open a bit and Josh heard every word that Maxine said. He burst through the door and said, "Oh no you don't. Strip mining that land would break Allie's heart let alone ruining the land for a haven for those that need peace and quiet. Allie wants the ranch to be a place for healing and making new friends. Machinery alone would make enough noise that no one could relax. Think about the water. It would ruin fishing, it would make the horses and other animals nervous because of the loud noise. You just can't do it to Allie. She is a wonderful person and doesn't deserve what K.R. continues to dish out. I can't believe you would even think about doing this."

About that time, the pup (Edward, Maxine's guardian angel) started barking and jumped down from the couch. In one wild leap he landed on the desk chair where Maxine had been sitting. She growled and started chewing on the wires of the keyboard. Sparks flew and the screen went up in flames. The computer was toast.

"Oh no! Now look what you've done, bad dog. I should never have let you in the house. Get out this instant!"  Before she could scoop up the little dog, Josh beat her to it. He said, "Good dog. I couldn't agree with you more, little puppy. That was divine intervention if I ever saw it. Maxine, I know you love K.R., but you have to look at the whole situation. He is trying to get your money, Allie's land and doesn't give two hoots who he hurts. He hasn't changed one little bit. Please don't give in to him."
Think back. He blackmailed his own son, me, into doing his dirty work. His own son!"
Allie was bone tired. Not from physical work, but from the mental stress of living on her ranch and the people that seemed to push and shove her around mentally. She had dealt with what she thought were ghosts, the old miner which had told her to be nicer then broke a picture hanging in her kitchen. Allie sat on the couch and thought, "I'm done thinking bad thoughts. I'm going to turn my head around and think positive thought. For instance I really love my new cowboy boots. They are so cool. I look like a real cowgirl now. If I just knew how to be one."

" I need to get myself busy and get this ranch up and running. Even though Josh had once again rushed out of the house on probably a fool's errand she decided that she could somehow do it on her own. She had money, she could hire people to do things that she didn't know how to do. Her daydreaming was interrupted by loud knocking on the door. 
When she answered it she saw that it was a ranch hand. He said that she should come out to the barn. A horse had warts all over his nose! She needed to do something. Allie had never heard of a horse having warts on their noses. "What next? I guess I need to get myself a vet that I can trust to take care of these guys. Hey, little guy. How are you doing? Ouch! You bit me!" As she rubbed her hand the ranch hands that had been watching laughed and one said, "You never put your hand out to that horse. He will nip you every chance he gets. He's always been that way. I think there is no changing him."

"Well, I know just how he feels. I feel like nipping him right back and a few humans I'd like to nip too!" She waved at the guys and headed back up to the house. When she walked into the kitchen there lay the old journal she knew she had in bed with her the other day. "You, Dear Journal, must have legs. I know I have lost and found you a dozen times since the first day I saw you. I feel like putting you in a safe so that I know just where you are when I want to look at you. I would love to do just that now, but I have to call a man about a horse, or a woman about a horse. I don't know who to call or what to tell them. I can just hear the conversation now, "Hello, this is Allie at the Double D Ranch. I have a horse with warts. Then the person on the other end of the phone would be laughing their head off and I'd still have a horse with warts. I am completely out of my element. I don't know where to start."
As she stood at the window looking out at the barn where the little stinker that bit her was, she felt a little breeze on her arms. She looked down and saw the pages of the old old journal fluttering to a stop. She looked down and there was an entry from Maggie. "No way!," Allie took the journal and sat down and read the entry. "Today Pa found warts on the nose of our old horse and told my Ma about it. Ma said tweren't gonna hurt nothin' just let it be. I love that old horse. Hope Ma knows about warts, don't want that horse to be hurtin'."

"That should do it, whispered Virginia.  Carry on, Girl. Your ancestors will help you run this ranch the way it should be run. For all to find peace and love. Just remember to open your mind as well as your heart. You will be amazed at the outcome."


  1. If you want to write a book the advice is always write about what you know. I feel just the opposite. I always want to learn something new and then let others know what I have learned. I think that's called teaching. lol I learned about warts on a horses nose from one of our group which owns Lightfoot the little biter! The medical word for those warts is papillomatosis caused by a virus. The advice in Allie's journal is correct. If you wait a few months they go away. They are usually spread by insects. They are harmless and humans cannot catch them. Lightfoot has been in my stories before. He was in the enchanted forest having a birthday party if you remember. Now we have a pup who has her work cut out for her. A fire to the Maxine's computer is just a start I'm afraid.

  2. Well well you tought me something too. Never knew about the warts. Your an amazing writer, story teller, and fact finder not to mention amazing friend. love ya Lu

    1. You just made my day! It was such a great idea of Carole’s to go to your shop to have my hair done.💕

  3. Allie is about to learn lots of new stuff. I just know she will get the Dude Ranch running like she wants.
    I learned something new today too , Thanks!!

    1. You are welcome! I think she will, but I’m sure there will be lots of bumps in the road.


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