It didn't take long for Josh to discover that his grandfather had ingeniously duped him and had taken his private plane to Las Vegas. He and Pat had gotten married in one of those famous little wedding chapels Vegas was so known for. He had driven to Master City to only find out that not only his grandfather, but his grandfather's best friend, Laura and her husband had all flown to Vegas for a romantic wedding. When he looked at his cell phone and saw the picture of him and his new bride, Pat, he laughed and shook his head. He quickly texted him back with congratulations. He asked after his health which was silly. His grandfather was mentally and physically better than he was. Josh had a headache and was so disappointed in the direction his life had been taking. He hadn't known Allie very long but he felt like he wanted to be in her life for the rest of his life. It seemed at every turn there was an argument, an interruption, and lastly a misunderstanding at the dance. He should have never accepted the invitation to dance with Haylee. Allie had trusted Haylee and thought they were best friends only to find out that she was a federal agent. Haylee had moved to D.C. with her little dog, Chata. He had wanted Allie to re-open the mine when he had found out that the mine was full of silver and gold. When she heard the news she blew her cork. He only wanted what he thought was not only best for her, but what he thought would make her happy. It had only been three or four weeks, but he knew when he was whipped. He would stay in Master City and find himself an office, or maybe he would go back to Springfield or maybe go back out in the field. He looked at his grandfather's happy face, and said, " What should I do, Grandpa? It seems like I can't win for losing."

When Allie got up the morning after the dance she rubbed the back of her neck. She had a headache. "Oh goodie. Just what I need today. I have so much to do. I need to have something to eat and then make a lot of phone calls. I am going to put Josh out of my mind for now. Enough is enough. Where did I put that magazine? After looking for just a minute, she found it and took it into the living room with a bowl of cereal and an orange. She turned on her old television set and was surprised when she saw Cedar Rescue ranch on the news. She had seen that ranch once before. There had been a little girl riding a horse. She started leafing through the magazine. Sure enough there was a lot of information about them.
After Allie watched the short news clip she leafed through the pages. She knew what her next move was. She was going to ask the owner if she could make a deal with their ranch. If they would take the five horses that the children brought her she would donate money to their ranch. She had learned that hay and vet bills were expensive just for her horses. She couldn't imagine the cost of caring for abused and neglected horses and cattle on a full time basis. She wasn't interested in making money on the Double D and neither was the Cedar Rescue. They just needed money to maintain the care of the animals that needed it. She needed the space for riding horses for children and adults. "I think I will get some ideas and information from them. It might prove beneficial for both our ranches."
She had finished her breakfast and was about to make her call when she heard someone knock on the door. It was the sheriff. "Hmm, I wonder what's going on." When she answered the door she could tell by the expression on his face that he wanted a serious talk. "Come in, sheriff. Is everything alright?"
The sheriff smiled and said, "I really don't know. This is a letter that is addressed to K.R., but is in care of the Double D ranch. I brought it out to you to see what the deal is. K.R. is back in jail. Haylee caught him snooping around Maxine's cabin last night. She arrested him and now he is spending time in prison once again for breaking parole. We won't be seeing him for several years; hopefully never again."
Allie took the letter and opened it. It contained a check for boarding a horse that she had never heard of. "Here's a note from this lady, sheriff. K.R. has evidently sent her a bill for boarding her horse here at the Double D. If that horse is in fact here, I have no clue which one it is. Look, she has her phone number on her check. I'll give her a call and see if she can describe the horse to me. The cowhands probably know which one it is by her description, if not the name."
" He is one underhanded guy, isn't he? Josh would be so upset about all this. Sheriff, Josh is a good guy and I really like him. You or I need to tell him about his dad going back to jail. Is Maxine alright? You are? Oh how wonderful! Sure you guys can have the wedding here. Have Maxine come over, both of you can and we can discuss the details. How fun! A wedding at the Double D ranch is just what everyone needs."
Josh had gone back to the ranch to get his things. He decided to say goodbye to Allie before he left. As he got close to the house he had overheard the sheriff tell Allie about his father. "Well, Dad, he thought, I don't have to worry about you any longer; at least not for a few more years." He knocked on the screen door and stepped into the kitchen. "Hey, congratulations, sheriff. Good news for sure. It seems like wedding bells are ringing all over the place. I just got a text from my grandfather. He and Pat got married in Vegas today; now you and Maxine. Great news. Allie, is it okay if I go get my duffel bag? Then I'll get out of your hair. I think I'm off to see where the highway leads me. I just know I don't belong here anymore. You will do well with this ranch."
The news that Josh really was leaving made Allie both sad and mad. "So is your girlfriend going with you?"
Josh looked Allie in the eye and said, "You belong here at the ranch, Allie. You don't want to come with me. I think I'll join a group I read about that's going to do some ocean exploring. I have a feeling that the earth's resources way down under aren't close to being tapped yet. Or maybe I'll go to Alaska. I don't know yet." he walked through the kitchen and had started up the stairs when suddenly he fell hitting his head and wrenching his shoulder. He couldn't move it. The pain made him yell a little when he tried to get up.
Uncle Bill's ghost chuckled and said, "Sorry about that kid, but you and Allie need more time to get things straightened out. She didn't even get the part about her being your girlfriend. She thinks you are leaving for good. Now I hope Allie and the sheriff get you upstairs to rest up. You are going to be needed around this place, my boy."
"Oh, Josh! Are you hurt? Here, let us help you. Oh I'm so sorry. Sheriff, can you help Josh upstairs? He was staying in the last room down the hall to the left. I'll go get some water and an ice pack. I think that shoulder will be really painful. Do you think he needs a doctor? How can someone fall up the stairs? Never seen anyone so clumsy." She chuckled all the way back to the kitchen. Serves you right for flirting with that girl last night, Bozo."
Edward and Virginia grinned at each other as they heard Allie humming in the kitchen. "Well, Bill might be clumsy at times, but he did good this time. He's probably right. They just need more time. Want to go fishing like the old days? I think Bill can handle this for today. Plus you don't have to be a puppy anymore because K.R. is just where he needs to be. I think we are about ready for our next assignment. Wonder who it will be."
"First of all do you really think Bill can handle the star crossed lovers? I don't and second of all I always catch the first fish so why do you think it's so much fun?"
Virginia grinned at her late husband and said, "Because I always catch the biggest one! Remember sometimes I even needed Julie to help me hold them up for pictures! Come on let's go. Bill will be fine."
In the past Uncle Bill's ghost has scared Allie because of his clumsiness. In today's story he was right on the mark. lol Edward and Virginia are so busy chatting and wanting to haunt their old fishing spots they are about to miss their next assignment!
ReplyDeleteI do not advertise in my blogs, never have, however, in this day and age I do think that not for profits like Furry Hearts in Stockton, Missouri and Cedar Rescue in Oklahoma are plenty worth your time and effort if you want to donate to them just ask me and I will give you the information. Cedar Rescue pays all vet bills and feed farrier bills on and on. They also get animals well and arrange their forever homes. They provide therapy and riding lessons as well. The transportation for both of these organizations is expensive as you can imagine. Thanks for reading!
Yes very expensive, Just the hoofs to be trimmed adds up and with inflation everything is more expensive.
ReplyDeleteNow as for todays story, Bill sure was right on point to stop Josh from leaving. Caring for someone may be just what Allie needs to see whats in front of her without fighting and arguing. lol. Good story.
You are so right! Now let’s see what kind of patient Josh us. Lol