Marlee had gone to visit Grandma Lu the other day. They had had a cookie and visited about her wanting to go to Texas. They had also talked about stories that were pretend and stories that were real. She had told Marlee that the stories that she writes are pretend stories. She had told her that someday she could go to Texas with her family if they decided to go there and visit, but she couldn't go there all by herself. Marlee was laying out in the warm sunshine on the sidewalk at her Grandma B's thinking about what Grandma Lu had said. Grandma Lu wasn't her real grandma, she already had two of them. But it seemed like a lot of people called her Grandma Lu even the grownups. She cuddled up to Zeke. He was a big old white furry dog of her Grandma B's that she loved. She had grown up with Stashia B's wrinkled up old dog. She had been her very best friend when she was little. Then Zoe came, but she didn't stay very long. B said that she had died. It seemed like lately that she heard that word a lot. She had heard her Grandma B talk about angels in the latest stories that Grandma Lu had been writing. Sometimes they were funny and sometimes they turned into puppies and were even clumsy and made mistakes just like her. I wonder if I'm an angel. My grandma sometimes calls me an angel, but not when I'm naughty, she chuckled. Oh Zeek, what's it like to be a real angel? Do they live in the sky? Do they live in Heaven, or are they really here watching us and protecting us? Are they cardinals? Do they have wings with feathers? Are you an angel? I love you so much. You must be an angel. Those angels in Grandma Lu's stories were going fishing! I've never been fishing. Just look at those clouds. Do they look like fish? I'm getting so sleepy watching those clouds float around the sky. Let's go fishing, Zeke. Let's go to Texas in our 'magination like Grandma Lu does."

Zeke curled up to Marlee and silently sent his thoughts to his young puppy angel that was on B's porch, "Well, Willow, it's your turn to watch out for that little fellow at the pond who decided to go fishing by himself. Edward and Virginia are so busy talking about the old days they will need you to get them back to work and save that little boy. I think a puppy is just what this assignment is called for. Remember to keep his head out of water if he he falls in, but hopefully just seeing you will make him walk up the beach where he will be safe. Can you see him?"
Willow looked out the porch window at Marlee and Zeke and said, "Yup, I think you are right. See you later!" And in a blink of an eye his angel spirit was gone, but he would not be missed by Grandma B or her granddaughters.
In a few minutes Willow sent a message to Zeke and said, "It's a save, but the poor kid has no parents. I'm taking him back to the ranch. I'm sure between Josh and Allie they will take care of him and give him lots of love. Are you going to get Edward and Virginia back? I think I could use some help from them."
"Good job, Willow. Yes, I'm going to hover over them and get their attention. They did go back to their pontoon and are out on the water. They'll be back on the job in a few minutes."
Zeke drew Marlee closer and said, "Okay, kiddo. I hear your Grandma B calling. It's supper time, girl. Let's go home. All is well in Texas."
What Zeke didn't know was that Willow didn't have an easy job of it. Once she got close enough to get the little boy's attention he dropped his fishing pole and lost his fish. He jumped right in the water after that fish. What a job she had pulling him to shore.
When Willow was satisfied that the boy was alright she heard a sharp voice that said, "Hey, dog! Leave my brother alone. I'm in charge of him. Shoo! Go away. He's just fine." Willow stopped for a moment but followed them down the gravel road. "I wonder what's up? I think I will trot along even though big sister isn't fond of me."
He heard the boy's big sister say, "What's the matter with you? Why did you jump in the water? You could have drowned! Where'd that dog come from? We don't have any food for her. We don't have enough food for all three of us. We need to get back to our safe place. Kenlee is waiting for us. We need to have a family meeting and make a plan.."

By the time the two got back to their secret place it had started to rain. There was only one umbrella and the girls decided to give it to their little brother. He still was a little wet from trying to rescue his fish. "So what are we going to do about food? I'm hungry. Kenlee said, "I'm hungry too. That's why I was trying to save the fish. We are almost out of everything. Are we going to have to beg for food? I think I saw some horses out in the pasture. I'm sure someone will give us some food." Kylee said, "No! We can't do that. They will want to know where our parents are. When we tell them we don't have any they will put us in an orphanage. We can take care of ourselves. I'll figure out something."
They neither saw nor heard Virginia and Edward riding their horses behind them when they were walking down the road, but Willow knew and watched them as they listened to the children talking. "I think I know the perfect place for these children to get a fresh start. I also think my plan just might help those two star crossed lovers to get their act together. What do you think, Edward?"
Willow whined and thought, "That was my idea you know. I'm going back to Grandma B's where I'm appreciated."
I've always been comforted in my belief that there are guardian angels. I have received miracle after miracle in my life. Let's see what what happens to these children
ReplyDeleteI love reading about angels and want to think they protect and guide us.