Tuesday, May 3, 2022

One Good Deed Could Lead To Disaster

 Laura gathered up her grandson and said, "Let's go out to the Double D and do a little gardening. I have a feeling that Allie has her hands full and could use some help around there. She's soon going to be having guests and will want it to look nice. It's spring time and time to plant some flowers and do a little mulching. What do you think? Want to come and help? Great. Okay, go get your things and we will be on your way."

"Where are you two off to this morning? Oh, I see you are packing some gardening gloves and wearing old shoes. I thought we were all done with our planting. Oh, Allie needs help? Cool. How about you? Could you use some help? I could use some sunshine and time with my wife and grandson today. Do I need to pack some tools or do you have everything ready to go? Okay, then what are we waiting for? Let's get to it. Carter, are you ready? Good. When we are finished out there, how about going out for supper? We haven't done that for awhile."

The Double D wasn't far from their house, so soon all three of them were busy with planting, mulching and admiring their handy work. Laura grinned at her husband and said, "See I told you it wouldn't take long. It looks pretty good doesn't it? Carter was a great help."

"How are you doing over there? The mulch looks great and you trimmed the shrubs perfectly. We are ready to let Allie know what we've been doing and then off to the cafe. Right? You did promise we'd go out to eat. Paul, what's happening over there? Why do you look so strange?"

She pulled herself up and walked over to where her husband had been working. Carter said, "What's that thing, Grandpa? Some kind of box?"

Laura said, "No, someone has buried an old VCR tape. I wonder why. What is it, Paul? Shall we throw it in the trash? I doubt it's any good anymore. There's a label on it? Really. It has Allie's name on it? Let me see. Well, it's pretty dirty, but okay, we can take it to her and then head back into town. Go ahead and plant that last plant and then we'll go to the house."

Inside the house Allie was worn to a nubbin. The four children had been a handful, now here was Grace. The high school graduate who expected to learn all about a dude ranch. She expected to work with horses. But there she was at her kitchen door looking at her like she was some sort of crazy person. Beside her stood Josh with what he considered the answer to her problems. He announced that Grace would be the Child Development Manager. That was nothing but a babysitter with a fancy name in Allie's mind and Grace's face showed that she agreed.

Jean had laid down for a nap and Addie was one busy little girl. Allie finally  managed to stand up on the banana waxed kitchen floor. She said, "Okay, Josh get this dog out of here and would you please take care of Addie? I tell you what. Why don't you walk Grace down to cabin Number 3. That is all ready for her to put her things in. That will give me time to scrub the kitchen floor. Oh and take the three bigger kids with you. They are bored and want something to do before bedtime. Thank you! What do you mean, 'where is Addie?' She was right here with the banana. Addie! Come here little one. Josh wants to take you outside for a walk. Where are you?" As they went into the living room they found Addie. She had been really busy with the chalk and crayons that the three older children had left on the table. "Addie, be careful. You are about to fall on your noggin! Josh!"

Grace could feel her cell phone in her purse and wondered if she should call her mom to come and get her, or if she could survive this crazy place long enough to be taken back to the bus station in the morning. This was not what she had expected at all. She expected to learn how to take care of horses, and trail rides and bonfires and music in the evenings. She had packed her cowboy hat! The magazine ad had said learn and relax. Not to take care of a little girl who could do acrobat tricks on window sills and drooling dogs that ate bananas. No she was leaving as soon as possible.

The walk to the cabin was nice. In fact it was a beautiful. It wasn't too hot like she had always heard that Texas was. "That's a plus, she thought. There are people planting flowers over there and putting down the red mulch that mom likes. It is a beautiful place. But I didn't travel all this way to be a babysitter."

"Here we are, Grace. This is cabin Number 3. These are nice little cabins. They each have a little mini refrigerator, a nice bed and your own bathroom. You will take your meals with the rest of the workers here at the ranch in the main dining hall. If I remember right, breakfast is at seven. I will show you how to get there as soon as you look around. Here's a closet and little dresser for your clothes. There's no televisions installed yet, but you do have wifi so you can watch movies on your phone in your down time. You do have a phone, right?" Grace nodded her head and thought, 'Down time?' Seven in the morning? No!"

Josh, do these cabins have attics? I think I'm hearing people laughing and talking above me. I smell paint. Is that possible?" Josh grinned and said, "Not attics, but there are dormer rooms in some of the cabins.. They are used generally for larger families. They haven't quite finished yet, but they should be done in a day or two. Just leave the windows open. The paint smell shouldn't be too bad. You'll probably be tired enough at the end of the day, you won't have a problem falling asleep."

"So is it alright if I lay down now? I've been on the bus traveling for over twelve hours. I'd really like to rest. If you don't mind could you call and check the bus schedule for me? I've decided that this really isn't the place I'd like to be. I'll have my mother send the money back for the bus ticket. I just don't think this is going to work out. I'm sorry. I just have to lay down now." She walked in the door and left Josh, Addie and the three older children standing there staring at the closed door.
"Well, that didn't go well, did it, kids? Okay, let's head back up to the house. I think it's pretty close to bedtime now. I'm sure your grandma and the young couple that you have taken a liking to you will help you get ready for bed. I need to talk to Allie."
When Josh got closer to the house he saw Laura and her husband, Paul talking to Allie.

 "Hmm, wonder what's going on? I saw them earlier planting flowers. That was nice of them. I'll be sure to thank them. Someday I'll have to go get Grandpa and his new wife, Pat, and take everyone out for dinner. As he got closer he saw them walk into the house. "I sure hope Allie got that floor scrubbed. She doesn't need folks to be slipping and sliding on bananas." He had to grin. Kids were fun, if nothing else they supplied entertainment at every turn. At least these four did. He heard voices coming from the living room. They were all seated in the living room watching television. "Now that is strange, but maybe there's a news flash or something. Hey, guys! What are you watching?" All was still as night in the living room except for  the voice of Allie's Uncle Bill. Paul had unearthed the rest of the tape that Uncle Bill had made. It had been missing a long long time. Someone had buried it hoping it would never be found. Josh had a feeling he knew just who had done it, but that could wait. He wanted to hear the tape. It was not real clear, but clear enough that he could hear that K.R. had been disinherited from his will. Allie was not the sole owner of the Double D. He quickly sat down. He heard a buzzing in his ears and felt a little dizzy. No! This is not what he wanted! "Oh, Allie, I'm so sorry. We can get this fixed. I'm sure. We can get a lawyer. Allie, please don't cry."


  1. And the beat goes on! You just never know what will happen on the Double D Ranch

    1. Addie and the chalk and crayons came from one of my real life crisis. My oldest son waxed the kitchen floor with a banana. I fell down on the mess and went on to find the chalk and the crayon signature of my two year old on the paneling and windows of the play room. There was never a dull moment when he was little. What fun memories that I get to add to my stories.


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