Monday, January 23, 2023

Grandma B Tells Her Friend to ""Fess Up!"

 Grandma Lu had been over to her friend's home to make sure that she had a hot meal to eat. She and her elderly friend had a lovely chat and then it was time for her friend's nap. She was a firm believer that sleep was a healer and that is what she wished for her friend. As she was driving back to her own home she thought about that picture and silver dollar that was in the old spittoon in her office/closet. "I should probably through those things away. I have no idea why I keep them. K.R. was always the black sheep of the family. He's been in jail since I was just a young girl. Uncle Rex raised him because Mom and Dad just couldn't handle him. He was always trying to get rich quick and sometimes it backfired on him and he would land in county jail even when he was just a teenager. Uncle Rex insisted that he go to law school. K.R. hated it, but did as he was told. The whole time he lived in Springfield he was conning people out of their money. The last I heard was what I included in last year's series. Poor Allie. K.R. told her that her Uncle Bill had left her a ranch. She believed him! Well, he did leave her a junk yard Jeep and a tear drop trailer that was on it's last legs. She found a letter in the glove compartment that said there was two thousand dollars for her  and a key to the main house located just outside of Master City, Texas. She was next to homeless so she headed for Texas on a wish and a prayer.

Grandma Lu walked into her office/closet and smiled. "Oh that B. She can really clean. I just hope that she hadn't seen that picture. It kind of looks like Fran in the old days, so maybe she didn't think a thing of it if she did see it. She could hear the phone ringing. When she looked she saw that the caller ID said Marlee's Grandma. "Sorry, B. I just can't deal with this today. I'm just going to sit here in front of the computer and decide whether to send Marlee and her family back home or leave them there. The decision I make will either end this series or it will continue for quite some time. I really like writing about enchanted forests and handsome prince charming's and beautiful princess's, but I like writing about more grownup stories too. Goodness sakes, just what am I going to do? she said to herself.

"Well, you can tell me who this picture is and why you have it and a silver dollar in the bottom of a spittoon! Are you keeping secrets, old friend? Marlee thought it was Fran, but I knew better. The writing on the back is poor, but I read K.R. and Master City on the back. Is K.R. real? Fess up, girl. Who is the real K.R.?"


  1. Really good friends usually know all about each other, but it looks like Grandma Lu has been keeping secrets from B. More short stories looks like the way to go in the near future. Thanks for reading!

  2. Now you made me think, Did I miss a picture? hmmm. I love all your stories but know life is getting more difficult, kids are growing, Just keep writing even if it takes a little longer.Love you!!!


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