Monday, March 20, 2023

Ms. Kate's Wish For An Adventure Was Coming True!

 Rowdy knew this was a mistake. He and Ms. Kate had absolutely nothing in common. She was an educated college degreed feline of the top shelf and he was nothing. Just a stray cat with no education, no family at least none that wanted him. His life was one of wondering and adventure. Hers was of a nice home, comfortable furniture. She even had a bed of her own; something he had never had. He wanted to go to Texas for warm weather. He had heard of dude ranches and horses. He made the mistake of telling Ms. Kate. When he had seen her college degree he had tried to run off without telling her, but she had stopped him. She wanted a little adventure in her life too. "This is not going to end well. I can just tell. When my whiskers start to curl I know there's trouble up ahead."

They soon reached the camper and jumped in through a small opening in the back door. Soon his thoughts were affirmed. The inside of the back of the camper sounded like the sounds of a jungle! The screaming and yowling of the two cats on the bed made his ears hurt. "Good grief. Look at this mess! Do you think I'm going to help you two? Not a chance. That's all I'd need is to get my claws caught in that net. Stop it I said. Stop it or I'm getting out of here. Now just lay still and I'll see if I can think of something to get you two out of this mess. Lay still!"

The two cats stopped their screeching and listened to Rowdy. It was so scary getting caught in the net and there was no room! Addison was caught in Grandma Lu's husband's fishing net. When Ms. Kate tried to help her she got caught too. She was terrified, but she knew that Rowdy was street smart and would try to get them out of the mess they were in. For some reason she trusted him.

At last all was quiet in the back of the camper. Rowdy jumped up on the end table by the bed. Something caught his eye. It was a book. The picture on the front of it had pictures of knots similar to the ones in the man's fishing net. "Ms. Kate, I found a book here on this table. Do you think it's about knots? There are pictures of knots similar to ones that you are caught in."

Ms. Kate, said, "I'm sorry, Rowdy, but I can't see it. You are going to have to read it to me so I can tell."

Rowdy's head fell and knew he had to tell his new friend the truth. "I can't read Ms. Kate. I have never had the privilege of going to school. You are going to have to teach me someday if we ever get out of here. But for now, I'm going to see if I can slide this thing over to you and you tell me if I'm right."

Just as Rowdy was going to slide the book over to Ms. Kate the camper started to move. "Well, I guess we are all going on an adventure for sure. I don't know if I can move that book or not, but I will try. Please try to lay as still as you can."

All of a sudden the camper stopped and things came crashing out of the cupboards above the bed. A book flew out and hit Ms. Kate on the head. There was yelling and loud voices coming from outside the bedroom. "Okay, you two. Once again lay as quietly as possible. Something bad is happening. I think the driver might be in trouble. Remember keep your claws in if possible. It will make it easier for me to get you loose. I'm going to see if I can find out what's going on. I'll be back as soon as I can." With that he was out of sight. Addison started to whimper. Ms. Kate knew she had to comfort her, but had no idea how. Then she saw it; a book of poetry and stories. "Hush, now little one. I'll read you a story if I can get myself loose from these knots. Rowdy should be back soon. Just relax and listen to me purr. It will help. She used her teeth and claws to loosen the knots. Back and forth, back and forth. It seemed like forever, but she had gotten her head out of the net. She looked Addison's situation over and knew it was going to be much more difficult to get her out of the net. She had an idea. So she started to read..."Once upon a time...

The soft mewing and purring sound relaxed Addison's fears. She moved her paws back and forth to the rhythm of Ms. Kate's purring. Her claws went back and she fell asleep. Ms. Kate blinked her yellow eyes and smiled to herself. "Well, I guess my education has helped some. Her claws have come loose from the net. All I have to do is drag it across her body and she is free. I don't have to be ashamed of being a smart cat. I am good for something, I guess."

Outside, K.R. was yelling and shouting. Rowdy watched from his perch by the window of the camper. "I wonder what that's all about. I usually don't like the looks of policemen. Sometimes they have picked me up and put me in the pound. But this guy is putting handcuffs on some guy. Way to go! Oh no that older lady is crying. What is that about?"

Grandma Lu's curious neighbors also watched out their windows as the policeman walked a tall stranger into his police car. Some of them picked up their phones to see if their friends knew what was going on. Poor Grandma Lu.

"Let's go home, Dear. I'm mortified beyond measure. K.R. has always stirred up trouble, but he's done it now. He's in his seventies, for Heaven's sake. Why can't he just leave me alone? That silver mine has been played out for years. What must the neighbors think of us? A police car stopping us right here? I just need to go to bed and hide."

But going to bed and hiding from her troubles was not going to happen for Grandma Lu at least not today. The phone was already ringing when she walked in the front door.
"Mercy, will it never end?"


  1. Approximately 32 million adults in the U.S.A. are illiterate. Those statistics are amazing to me and makes me sad. My mother used to say if you can't read your life will be hard. She was right, but as the story tells, street smart counts as common sense in many occasions. Life's experiences teach us many things. Another lesson is to trust our friends, old or new just be careful whom you choose to be your friend. Will this be the end of Ms. Kate's adventure? We shall see.

  2. Quite the exciting journey for Ms. Kate and Rowdy. Thank goodness they are friends and are able to help one another in the time of troubles.
    That K.R. , he seems to always be in
    trouble. Hopefully one day he will get on the correct path of Life.


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