Since Marlee was only two (2) years old there were many many things that she was learning. It seemed like something new happened all the time. Every day Marlee would discover something new in her world. One day she was at her Grandma B's house and everything seemed like it was the same as it was the day before. Then the next day, there was something new. For one thing the birds were singing and chirping. If she looked up high Grandma B would show her the little birds in the tree branches. Some were robins. They were brown with orange chests. They liked to hop around the yard too. Grandma B told her that she always knew that Spring would soon be here when she saw the robins in the yard. Some of the birds were cardinals. They were red if they were boys and the girl cardinals were a light brown. Some were little brown wrens and there were some doves. Those were hard to see because they were the same color as the branches. Marlee laughed and said, "Look B,
there is a bird with a red head that is banging it's head against the tree. What a silly bird." Her Grandma B laughed and said, "It looks funny doesn't it, but he is called a red headed woodpecker. He is looking for bugs to eat that are in the trees. He uses his sharp beak to find them. He likes bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He even finds bugs in fence posts and old telephone poles.Listen to that sound he makes. That is called drumming. He is pretty isn't he?"
"B" look, there are some eggs in the flowers! How come our chickens laid eggs here in the flower garden?" Grandma B explained that some birds made their next on the ground in a carefully hidden next. Some laid their eggs in the branches of thick bushes where they would be safe. She told Marlee that one time Grandma Lu had a whole family of cardinals that lived in her rose bushes right outside her window. She loved watching them. Then there were flowers where there were no flowers before. The leaves on the trees had dropped off in the fall, but all of a sudden there were leaves budding and some flowers on Grandma B's trees. She has red bud trees that have pink blooms on them. Can you see the yellow forsythia bushes? Grandma B has daffodils which are yellow too. Remember that? Marlee was fascinated with those beautiful daffodils. She would go out there and look and look. One day, Grandma B said, "How would you like to put on your beautiful new dress and go sit in the flower garden that has daffodils? That would make a pretty picture for us to look at. Marlee said, "Okay" and ran to the house where she knew her new Easter dress was. Her Grandma B helped her get all pretty with a bow in her hair and her new sandals on. Her dress had flowers on it too, didn't it? All of a sudden Marlee sat down in all of those flowers and started to giggle. "This is where the lady bugs are, "B". I wonder what else is in these flowers. Grandma B decided to help her look in the flowers to see what they could find. Marlee said, " I found something! I found some ants.
I remember those. They are always on those pink flowers that I like to pick." Grandma B chuckled and said, "You have a good memory. Those flowers aren't blooming yet, but they will be pretty soon."
Grandma B soon told Marlee that it was time to go in the house so that she didn't get her new dress dirty. She wanted to take some more pictures of her inside the house too.
As Marlee was walking in her Grandma's house she happened to think about Kylee and wondered what she had wished for. She had told Marlee that she was going to keep her wish a secret. Maybe she even made more than one wish.
Hopefully Kylee's wish is a fun one and she will tell us all about it.
Marlee is just now enjoying being read to b4 it was just pictures she liked. Such fun reading and talking about the stories of the day. Thanks Grandma Lu for making such fun stories for everyone young and old.
I hope Marlee loves nature and all of the wonderful things that there are for us to enjoy
ReplyDeleteMarlee is just now enjoying being read to b4 it was just pictures she liked. Such fun reading and talking about the stories of the day. Thanks Grandma Lu for making such fun stories for everyone young and old.
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome. You have no idea how fun it is for me to know she likes the stories
ReplyDeleteI love to discover new things . it is so exciting. Those birds are beautiful.