After she helped Marlee dress she told her to play for a little bit while she talked to Grandma Lu.
Grandma Lu answered the phone and said, "Oh, I'd like that. It's been about three (3) days since I've seen you guys." Grandma B laughed and said, "I know. We have been so busy lately. Oh by the way, would you bring that golden egg with you? Marlee has been asking for it."
Grandma Lu said, "Oh my goodness. I forgot all about it. You tell that little one I will bring it with me this morning. See you soon."
Grandma B did just that. She and Marlee tidied up the kitchen and got in the car and headed for Marleewood.
There had been a series of bad storms the night before. The parking lot at Marleewood was a mess. There were tree branches all over the place. Grandma B and Marlee set to work and cleaned them up as soon as they got there.
When they finished they went into the front kitchen and fixed coffee and snacks. The cookies looked so good. Ginny's Great Aunt Diane had sent them. They were a similar recipe that Disney World makes. She said her son loves them. Disney makes them look like Micky Mouse, don't they? She sent round ones for Marleewood. They look so good!
While Grandma Lu was looking for her black bag, Kylee and Kenlee were digging through their nana's dress up closet. Their nana had told them that it was okay to do that while she was outside cleaning up the storm damage. They too, had branches scattered all over the yard. The girls said they would go out and help in a little bit.
Kylee said, "Oh look, Kenlee. There's that old old black purse Nana got us. You know what, I think that there is something in it. It feels kind of heavy. Let's look."

Before they knew it their nana called them for lunch. Oh, that looks good!
Grandma Lu found her husband and told him that she couldn't find her cell phone once again. She always was losing it because she didn't like it. She liked her land line phone. She only used her cell phone for taking pictures and video chatting with Marlee. Today she wanted to take some pictures of Marlee. He was not a bit happy with her. It seemed to him that he was always on a mission looking for something that his wife misplaced. Grandma Lu has M.S. It used to be really bad. She had trouble walking and always used a cane. Then she got better. But she still used to take it with her just in case she needed it. But she always lost her cane. It seemed like he was always going to stores looking for it. She finally was able to walk without it. She was always losing something it seemed like to him. "Now it was her cell phone again," he grumbled to himself. If he only knew....
If you go back in the stories Grandma Lu started this mess herself. She was the one that suggested the three days. This is is the third day. Marlee loves and trusts Grandma Lu and all grown ups for that matter. Grandma Lu may have to pull out all the stops with past experiences with her own children to get out of this one.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe grandma lu will call her cell phone, Thats what I have to do after Marlee stays lol. I wonder if anyone will put 2 and 2 together and figure out whos purse it is.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Nana will come to the rescue! 😉
ReplyDeleteOh yes grand ma Lu call and see if someone answers your phone . Poor Marlee trust you so much. Grandma Lu will find a way !