Later on that day Grandma Lu found herself walking up the street towards a little cafe. It looked dark and not very friendly from the outside. She thought, "Maybe I should just go home. I don't want to get mixed up in something that isn't on the up and up." Grandma Lu started to turn around and go back home. She thought, "Well, I don't want anyone to see me so I will put a hat and my sunglasses on. I should be alright. I don't know what's the matter with you, old woman."
About that time the school bus was letting out Daryan and Tyler and Tanner. "Good grief, wouldn't you just know it? They would have to let school out early today." She quickly turned away so that the children wouldn't see her.
Then she straightened her shoulders and walked right into that little dingy cafe. She was ready for an adventure. Just thinking about what this job was about gave her a little thrill of excitement. Clear in the back sat a lady with a flowered shirt on. Grandma Lu walked towards her. The lady gave her a little nod and gestured for Grandma Lu to sit down.
Grandma Lu was seldom at a loss for words, but today she was. She waited for the lady to talk to her.
The waitress came and asked what they would like to eat. The lady in the flowered shirt said, "Just coffee." Grandma Lu said, "I want some ice cream with hot fudge and cookies, and a couple of apples and some fried cheese curds."
The waitress left talking to herself about old people. The lady in the flowered shirt started laughing and said, "You haven't changed a bit old friend. I love you and your sweet tooth. What's with the hat and sunglasses? That's not a good look for you you know. Don't you remember who I am?"
Grandma Lu stared at her and said, "I know I should know you because I remember your voice...then she said, "Oh course, I know you. We used to work together years ago. What in the world are you doing in this Backstreet Cafe and putting strange want ads in the paper?
About that time another familiar voice said, "Yes, I would like to know the answer to that question myself, Mrs. K. You are on duty you know."
All three old friends laughed and started talking about the old days. They hadn't seen each other for a very long time. It was good to catch up with each other.
Finally Grandma Lu couldn't stand it any longer. She said, "Okay, why did you put that ad in the paper?"
Mrs. K chuckled and said, "Because we knew you couldn't resist solving a mystery. They have a situation at the school. There is a missing book that is very valuable. We have no idea what has happened to it, but it cannot be replaced. We want you to go undercover as a substitute teacher and find out exactly what happened to that book. What do you think? Will you do it?"
While Grandma Lu and her friends were talking in the Backstreet Cafe, Spencer was walking by and waved hello to Grandma Lu through the window. He sure did wonder why she was dressed so funny. He was going to tell his mom about seeing Grandma Lu when he got home today.
Do you think Grandma Lu will go undercover as a substitute teacher, or will she turn her friends down? Will the news spread around town? How many people saw her dressed silly? Have you ever lived in a small town? Lots of questions.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Be Careful What You Wish For
Grandma B and Grandma Lu were both looking for something for Grandma Lu to do to keep her busy now that the children were going back to school. Even Marlee was keeping busy. She had just gone to a little friend's birthday party and had such a good time painting while she was there.
Kenlee and Kylee were excited about going to school too. Their brother, Aadon, was not a bit happy about his sisters leaving him home. But he got to be with his dad for lunch later on that day. He loved being with his daddy.
While the children were getting ready for school Grandma Lu was going through the Help Wanted ads in the paper. She just couldn't find anything that she could do at her age or had the education for. She was about ready to give up and do the laundry when she happened to see a tiny little ad that said, "Do you like children and are you good at solving mysteries. If so contact me at The Backstreet Cafe at 2:00 P.M. I will be wearing a flowered shirt. Please be on time. This is a matter of great importance."
Well Grandma Lu was interested to say the least. She loved mysteries and everyone knew that she loved children. "Hmm, I think I will take a walk up the street about 2:00 this afternoon and see what that woman wants."
While Grandma Lu was reading the newspaper ad, Grandma B was on the phone talking to the school. She thought she had an excellent idea.
Kenlee and Kylee were excited about going to school too. Their brother, Aadon, was not a bit happy about his sisters leaving him home. But he got to be with his dad for lunch later on that day. He loved being with his daddy.
While the children were getting ready for school Grandma Lu was going through the Help Wanted ads in the paper. She just couldn't find anything that she could do at her age or had the education for. She was about ready to give up and do the laundry when she happened to see a tiny little ad that said, "Do you like children and are you good at solving mysteries. If so contact me at The Backstreet Cafe at 2:00 P.M. I will be wearing a flowered shirt. Please be on time. This is a matter of great importance."
Well Grandma Lu was interested to say the least. She loved mysteries and everyone knew that she loved children. "Hmm, I think I will take a walk up the street about 2:00 this afternoon and see what that woman wants."
While Grandma Lu was reading the newspaper ad, Grandma B was on the phone talking to the school. She thought she had an excellent idea.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Grandma Lu Looks For A Job
While Grandma B was out in the kitchen at Marleewood she was thinking about her old friend, Grandma Lu. She didn't like the fact that she felt she didn't have a purpose. She did have a purpose in life. The children loved her stories, but many of them had started back to school; even little Myla had started Preschool. She had noticed that Grandma Lu had a picture of Caydon and Braxdon with Myla too. Grandma Lu was in the process of putting them in her Photo Album. "She sure does love those kids. I know she will miss them. I wonder if there is anything that might keep her busy this year."
Grandma Lu was shocked at how big Hunter had gotten just over the summer. "I'm sure he will love school this year. Goodness sakes, he is going to be in first grade this year. These children are growing up so fast," she thought.
"Oh my, there are Avery and Finnley. That Finnley, she likes to keep her treasures in a special backpack. She is prepared for any situation," she chuckled.
Grandma B had gone to school and had lived in or around Marlee's small hometown for many years. That meant that she knew many people. She had an idea. She and Marlee had volunteered at the school giving out school supplies and backpacks before school started. She knew some of the teachers. "Hmm, I wonder if Grandma Lu could be a substitute teacher. She told me one time that she had gone to college to be a Special Ed teacher, but I don't think she finished for that. I know she went to a couple of different colleges too. She worked in nursing homes as an Activity Director and Administrator for many many years. I don't know what the rules are. I think I will call some of my friends and see what they think."
While Grandma B was thinking of what she could do to keep Grandma Lu busy so that she wouldn't miss the children so much Grandma Lu had some ideas of her own. "You know old girl, I think you need a job. I wonder if they think I am too old to work at a job. I clean house, and I cook and do laundry, why couldn't I? Hmm, I just might look around and see if there is anything in the Help Wanted Ads in the newspaper."
And that is exactly what Grandma Lu did when she got home that day.
Grandma Lu was shocked at how big Hunter had gotten just over the summer. "I'm sure he will love school this year. Goodness sakes, he is going to be in first grade this year. These children are growing up so fast," she thought.
"Oh my, there are Avery and Finnley. That Finnley, she likes to keep her treasures in a special backpack. She is prepared for any situation," she chuckled.
Grandma B had gone to school and had lived in or around Marlee's small hometown for many years. That meant that she knew many people. She had an idea. She and Marlee had volunteered at the school giving out school supplies and backpacks before school started. She knew some of the teachers. "Hmm, I wonder if Grandma Lu could be a substitute teacher. She told me one time that she had gone to college to be a Special Ed teacher, but I don't think she finished for that. I know she went to a couple of different colleges too. She worked in nursing homes as an Activity Director and Administrator for many many years. I don't know what the rules are. I think I will call some of my friends and see what they think."
While Grandma B was thinking of what she could do to keep Grandma Lu busy so that she wouldn't miss the children so much Grandma Lu had some ideas of her own. "You know old girl, I think you need a job. I wonder if they think I am too old to work at a job. I clean house, and I cook and do laundry, why couldn't I? Hmm, I just might look around and see if there is anything in the Help Wanted Ads in the newspaper."
And that is exactly what Grandma Lu did when she got home that day.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Grandma Lu Tells About School Book Covers And Backpacks
Grandma B walked into the Sitting Room and there was Grandma Lu sitting in her easy chair looking at her photo album that the children had given her at her Wish Party. "What are you doing, old friend? Did you get some new pictures?"
Grandma Lu sighed and said, "Oh my, I sure did. The children's parents and grandparents have been sending me some for my album. It's just amazing how much the children have grown since school got out this spring. Just look at these two little guys. They are off to school. Landon is in second grade and Jordan is in kindergarten already. Mercy! Well at least their mama will have Joshua and the new baby boy, Liam to help keep her company."
Grandma B was looking over her friend's shoulder and said, "Boy, those boys have grown. Oh look, there are Liz's kids all dressed up. That was nice of her to send you some pictures. You know this is Bella's first year of school. She has been so excited. Her mom said she was most excited about riding the bus to school."
When I was a little girl we lived in the country so we rode the school bus too. We were to only call grownups Mrs. or Miss, or Mr. except for our school bus driver. He said, "You can call me Charlie." Isn't that something that I remember his name? Oh that was so very many years ago."
Grandma Lu chuckled as she ran her finger over the pictures. She said, "You just have to know all those brand new school clothes aren't going to look brand new for very long. Oh how I remember my children's beautiful new clothes looking all used up so soon. Playing outside for recess is hard on their clothes."
Grandma B kind of looked at her old friend and said, "Is something bothering you? You look a little sad."
"Oh no, nothing is wrong. I just look at all these pictures; oh look at this one.
Oh my goodness that's Brandon. He is so grownup. He is taking the bus to school now. Look at that brand new backpack."
Grandma Lu said, "Look at all of those backpacks, B. It looks like all the children have them. I never had a backpack when I went to school."
Grandma B said, "Well, what did you carry your books in if you didn't have a back pack?" Oh Grandma Lu laughed and said, "Well, my two arms, my dear. Yes my arms worked rather well, if I remember right." Then they both laughed. Yes times had changed.
Grandma Lu said, "You know when we were given school books to study from we were sternly told that each and every book would have a cover on it before we could bring it back to school."
Grandma B said, "A cover? What do you mean.?"
"Yes, my dad was in charge of covering all of the school books. We didn't buy many groceries from town because my parents raised the majority of our food on the farm, but when they did, they saved all of the brown paper sacks. After he had covered our books then he labeled each one; math, spelling, etc. Then it was our turn. We took a pencil or crayon and put our names on them. Once again the first few days of school our book covers looked so nice. By the end of the year they were a wreck!"
Grandma B said, "Why, what did you do to them?"
"Well, I was the doodling queen. When I was bored, I would draw pictures on them. I would write my name all over them. I'm sure the teachers were very glad my books were covered."
"Well look B, nowadays with all of the modern technology you could even learn how to cover a book on what they call YouTube. I can remember books costing an awful lot of money throughout the years. Book covers were a good idea."
"Many children's parents made their book covers out of material that was left over from their mom's sewing or old feed and flour sacks. Everything seemed to have a purpose in those days. I don't feel much like I have a purpose any more. I'm just getting old. Oh how I miss those little ones. I sure am glad Marlee is around a little so I can tell her some of my stories. Whittlee Jo is still too little."
Grandma B patted her friend's shoulder and said, "Oh here is a little picture of Marlee in one of her dance outfits if you want to put it in your album." Grandma Lu took the picture and said, "See what I mean? Even Marlee is busy going to Dance School.
Grandma B went out to the kitchen with a small little smile on her face. She felt bad that her friend was sad, but she didn't know what to do about it just yet.
Grandma Lu sighed and said, "Oh my, I sure did. The children's parents and grandparents have been sending me some for my album. It's just amazing how much the children have grown since school got out this spring. Just look at these two little guys. They are off to school. Landon is in second grade and Jordan is in kindergarten already. Mercy! Well at least their mama will have Joshua and the new baby boy, Liam to help keep her company."
Grandma B was looking over her friend's shoulder and said, "Boy, those boys have grown. Oh look, there are Liz's kids all dressed up. That was nice of her to send you some pictures. You know this is Bella's first year of school. She has been so excited. Her mom said she was most excited about riding the bus to school."
When I was a little girl we lived in the country so we rode the school bus too. We were to only call grownups Mrs. or Miss, or Mr. except for our school bus driver. He said, "You can call me Charlie." Isn't that something that I remember his name? Oh that was so very many years ago."
Grandma Lu chuckled as she ran her finger over the pictures. She said, "You just have to know all those brand new school clothes aren't going to look brand new for very long. Oh how I remember my children's beautiful new clothes looking all used up so soon. Playing outside for recess is hard on their clothes."
Grandma B kind of looked at her old friend and said, "Is something bothering you? You look a little sad."
"Oh no, nothing is wrong. I just look at all these pictures; oh look at this one.
Oh my goodness that's Brandon. He is so grownup. He is taking the bus to school now. Look at that brand new backpack."
Grandma Lu said, "Look at all of those backpacks, B. It looks like all the children have them. I never had a backpack when I went to school."
Grandma B said, "Well, what did you carry your books in if you didn't have a back pack?" Oh Grandma Lu laughed and said, "Well, my two arms, my dear. Yes my arms worked rather well, if I remember right." Then they both laughed. Yes times had changed.
Grandma Lu said, "You know when we were given school books to study from we were sternly told that each and every book would have a cover on it before we could bring it back to school."
Grandma B said, "A cover? What do you mean.?"
"Yes, my dad was in charge of covering all of the school books. We didn't buy many groceries from town because my parents raised the majority of our food on the farm, but when they did, they saved all of the brown paper sacks. After he had covered our books then he labeled each one; math, spelling, etc. Then it was our turn. We took a pencil or crayon and put our names on them. Once again the first few days of school our book covers looked so nice. By the end of the year they were a wreck!"
Grandma B said, "Why, what did you do to them?"
"Well, I was the doodling queen. When I was bored, I would draw pictures on them. I would write my name all over them. I'm sure the teachers were very glad my books were covered."
"Well look B, nowadays with all of the modern technology you could even learn how to cover a book on what they call YouTube. I can remember books costing an awful lot of money throughout the years. Book covers were a good idea."
"Many children's parents made their book covers out of material that was left over from their mom's sewing or old feed and flour sacks. Everything seemed to have a purpose in those days. I don't feel much like I have a purpose any more. I'm just getting old. Oh how I miss those little ones. I sure am glad Marlee is around a little so I can tell her some of my stories. Whittlee Jo is still too little."
Grandma B patted her friend's shoulder and said, "Oh here is a little picture of Marlee in one of her dance outfits if you want to put it in your album." Grandma Lu took the picture and said, "See what I mean? Even Marlee is busy going to Dance School.
Grandma B went out to the kitchen with a small little smile on her face. She felt bad that her friend was sad, but she didn't know what to do about it just yet.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Tea For Two On The Mini Farm
Marlee had gotten a new Peter Rabbit tea set for her birthday. She and her Grandma B had had a picnic lunch in the living room because it was so very hot outside. Oh it was so much fun. Marlee had asked her Grandma B for chicken noodle soup and crackers.
Then when they finished their soup they got to use her new tea set to have their dessert of cookies and tea. It was a bit tricky to pour the tea, but Marlee was very careful and she didn't spill a drop.
The next day a new friend, Maddie, was going to visit the mini farm after school. Marlee and Grandma B waited in the car for the school bus to drop her off. She had treats for Maddie. She had suckers and fruit snacks to share with her new friend.
Soon Maddie and Marlee made the rounds of the farm. Marlee wanted to show her everything. She showed her the chickens and the mini animals.
When it was time to go inside. Marlee showed Maddie her toys and her room where she stayed when she was overnight with her Grandma B.
Marlee invited Maddie to have tea with her. They took turns pouring and serving each other. There was always so much fun and things to do on the mini farm. Before you knew it the girls were becoming friends. No matter the difference in age, a friendship can grow over a cup of tea and some yummy snacks.
Then when they finished their soup they got to use her new tea set to have their dessert of cookies and tea. It was a bit tricky to pour the tea, but Marlee was very careful and she didn't spill a drop.
The next day a new friend, Maddie, was going to visit the mini farm after school. Marlee and Grandma B waited in the car for the school bus to drop her off. She had treats for Maddie. She had suckers and fruit snacks to share with her new friend.
Soon Maddie and Marlee made the rounds of the farm. Marlee wanted to show her everything. She showed her the chickens and the mini animals.
When it was time to go inside. Marlee showed Maddie her toys and her room where she stayed when she was overnight with her Grandma B.
Marlee invited Maddie to have tea with her. They took turns pouring and serving each other. There was always so much fun and things to do on the mini farm. Before you knew it the girls were becoming friends. No matter the difference in age, a friendship can grow over a cup of tea and some yummy snacks.
Welcome to the Marleewood gang, Maddie. See you soon.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Happy Third Birthday, Marlee!
Today was Marlee's party. She was so excited. She had a brand new dress and so did her baby sister, Whittlee Jo. Before she knew it it was time to go to the Fellowship Hall at the church. When they walked in it was all decorated with beautiful tablecloths, and tea pots. Some of the tea pots had beautiful flowers in them. The table had china plates and dessert plates, saucers and tea cups. Each place had a pretty glass if you wanted something cool to drink; there was even lavender lemonade!
In the front of the room there were bags of goodies for people that had come to celebrate with her. In the middle was a beautiful pink doll bed. And oh, there were so many presents for her. Marlee was such a lucky girl.

There were beautiful cup cakes (Marlee calls them pupcakes) and a little cake shaped just like a tea pot. Everything was so beautiful. There was so much food all kinds of sandwiches, and little tiny quiches. Oh there were little tasty baguettes that were so good. Marlee couldn't even remember all the things that were so good to eat. Because she was so busy! She opened the gifts with the help of her mama and daddy. It seemed like she was getting her picture taken all the time. Today she didn't care. She was so happy! She even had a little sticker from a birthday card she wore on her dress. It said that she was 3! It was such a fun day. People took lots of pictures of the ice cream stand. It even had a little bell that was so much fun. All you had to do is pull the string and the bell rang. When Marlee got home she played with Whittle Jo. She charged her $20 for an ice cream cone.

Here are some of the people that came to help Marlee celebrate. Joann, and Grandma Lu were there. Aunts and Uncles and many friends. Grandmas and Grandpas. The fun part was that she seemed like she knew them all! Such a wonderful family Marlee has.

There were other kids there too! Her cousins were there and some other children that loved to play with her new ice cream stand that she had gotten. They even had their very own table and chairs just their size.

When it was time for people to leave they could even plant their very own African Violet or take one home that was all planted for them. Marlee and Grandma B planted one together. Oh what wonderful memories were made.
This is where Marlee sat so that she could see everyone and of course, to open all of her gifts!
Happy Third Birthday, Marlee!
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Marlee Said "Welcome To Marleewood!"
The ladies looked at each other and grinned and said to Riley, "Yes, we would like a table for two." Riley smiled and said, "Walk this way ladies. Welcome to Skeeters Wooden Nickel Tea Room. Please make yourself comfortable. Your waitress will be with you shortly."
Soon their waitress approached them with a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Marlee. I will be your server today. May I get you a cup of tea? Today our special is Little Debbie cakes and rocks. For your pleasure I will bring you some of my own very special treasures."
The ladies noticed that when their little waitress came back she seemed to have grown and was now using a tablet to check their order. Of course, the cookies that the ladies had ordered needed to be tested before she served them. It also seemed that rocks and treasures were not part of the table setting this time.
Marlee then said, "Ladies, you don't mind if I sit down and have tea with you, do you?"
The two ladies were having so much fun they would have skipped their tea and cookies just to see what was going to happen next.
Melissa said, "Where in the world are we, Katie? I feel like I'm in a children's story book!"
Marlee grinned and said, "Guess what? That's exactly where you are! Welcome to Marleewood. You are cordially invited to my third birthday party tomorrow. My family is having a tea party for me to celebrate and you are invited!"
Soon their waitress approached them with a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Marlee. I will be your server today. May I get you a cup of tea? Today our special is Little Debbie cakes and rocks. For your pleasure I will bring you some of my own very special treasures."
The ladies noticed that when their little waitress came back she seemed to have grown and was now using a tablet to check their order. Of course, the cookies that the ladies had ordered needed to be tested before she served them. It also seemed that rocks and treasures were not part of the table setting this time.
Marlee then said, "Ladies, you don't mind if I sit down and have tea with you, do you?"
The two ladies were having so much fun they would have skipped their tea and cookies just to see what was going to happen next.
Melissa said, "Where in the world are we, Katie? I feel like I'm in a children's story book!"
Marlee grinned and said, "Guess what? That's exactly where you are! Welcome to Marleewood. You are cordially invited to my third birthday party tomorrow. My family is having a tea party for me to celebrate and you are invited!"
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