Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Sally Gets In Poppy's Yard

Poppy was in a hurry to get under the shed before his human caught him and made him go in the house. There was a really big reason he didn't want to go inside. Inside the house there was another dog. A really big dog. Her name was Bella.
Poppy thought, "I'm going to see if I can't get under the shed before my human catches me. Oh look, there's a cat. I love to chase cats almost as much as I like escaping the yard. What?! What's going on? Yuk, why did you do that? Now I am really going to get into trouble. Thanks a lot."

What Poppy didn't know was that the cat he decided to chase, because after all it was on his yard, was in fact a skunk. Her name was Sally. She had been watching Poppy with interest for quite some time. It was getting colder and she thought that she might like to dig a nice place to keep warm right underneath that shed. "No such luck with a winter home underneath that shed. That dog was getting too close for comfort. I had to give him a little squirt of my special warning juice to make him stay away from me. I will just go somewhere else to spend the winter."

When Poppy's human came out and smelled the horrible smell of Sally's special warning juice she was really upset. She even had her hands on her hips. "Well, you are going to have to stay outside until I get back from the doctor. Then you will have a bath young man. What a terrible smell that is. You should know better than chase a skunk. You will chase anything, even leaves.

When Poppy's human got back from town, she did indeed give Poppy a bath. She gave him several baths, but she could not get all of Sally's juice out of Poppy's fur. She dried him off the best she could. Poppy went to the air vent to finish drying while his human called a Pet Groomer. They would have to finish the job.

While Poppy was gone his human was talking to her big dog, Bella.
"Oh what a good dog you are. You are really big, but you love to sit on my lap, don't you? That's okay, you don't get into trouble all the time like Poppy. I just have a feeling there is more trouble on the way for that little scamp. What to do with him, hmm? Yes, I know we could give him away, but we won't because we love him." she laughed.

"Hopefully when he gets back from getting another bath at the groomer's he will stay away from that shed. One could only hope," she sighed.


  1. Oh Poppy! I have a feeling you were put on this earth to terrorize not only your humans but the neighborhood. What fun you have!

  2. I once had a dog get sprayed oh my was horrible. Poor Poppy

  3. Poor Poppy , he didn't know any better he just wanted to play .lol Our junkyard dog got sprayed by a skunk ,and we used a whole lot of tomato juice to wash him .


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