The two angels stood behind Grandma Lu's chair as she was getting her pictures together. Of course, you couldn't see or hear them. The older of the two angels said, "You know Grandma Lu is one of the reasons I am ready to retire. I have been looking after her for years. Even when she was a child she was a handful. She kept her parents and me on our toes. She's had broken bones, been in car accidents, had a need for speed when she was a teenager that even made me cover my eyes. Now that she's an old woman, she still needs someone to look out for her. Gracious sakes she just had another broken bone not too long ago. Hopefully, you can take over for me without any trouble. She seems to be happy here at Marleewood telling her stories not just to the children but to the adults as well."
About then Marlee said, "Hi Grandma Lu! Are you going to tell a story today? What are you looking for in that box?"
"Oh I was just looking for some old pictures and pamphlets and stuff that I have in here. Boy I sure save a lot of stuff. How are you anyway? I haven't seen you for awhile." Marlee grinned and said, "I'm good." Then she looked up and said, "There come some people I haven't seen before. Who are they?" Grandma Lu grinned and said, "Oh they are friends of mine. I invited them to come to Marleewood for snacks today. "How are you folks? What have you been doing today?"
Marlee said, "Wow, you look really different! Are you dressed up for Halloween?" The children laughed and said, "No, it was 80's Day at school. Who is that in that picture you are holding, Grandma Lu? That lady sure had big hair and big glasses." Grandma Lu laughed and said, "Well, that was me in the 80''s and yes we did wear big glasses and big hair. That was right before I moved to Humansville a long long time ago."So Grandma Lu said, "Well, tell us all about what else you learned at the library. I have some things here and some pictures and of course, a story or two to go with them. But first let's hear what all you learned for instance where and when did the Special Olympics begin? What makes it different than the Olympics for people without handicaps? Oh there's a word to learn isn't it? I think it means that it is harder for some folks to do some things than others. Does anyone have another meaning? One person said, a handicap gives you a disadvantage at some things like running if you don't have legs, or having trouble remembering things in school. Does that count?" Grandma Lu said, "It sure does. There are all kinds of handicaps aren't there?"
She looked at the older gentleman and said, "Don't I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar."