The Wicked Witch had changed one of Charlie's chickens into a rabbit. She had turned Felix into a duck and had put Adalynn's friend, Anna, the humming bird in a cage. She was so unhappy that she wanted everyone and all the animals around her to be unhappy too. When she found out that the seven little gnomes had all gone camping together in her forest she was really upset. They were a happy bunch. They took good care of the forest. They cleaned up after themselves. They always poured water on their camp fire when they were finished. They sang happy songs and did kind things for the little squirrels and chipmunks. They made sure that the bird baths had water in them. They put all of their trash in trash containers or bags and always had a nice clean camp ground. The Wicked Witch couldn't stand all the happiness!

She quickly turned them to stone and went back to her ugly home in the forest and forgot all about them. She had not counted on Winston walking into the campground on his way to Marleewood. She saw him in her crystal ball, but before she could put a spell on him Buzz, the Biker Gnome, whizzed by, reached out, grabbed Winston, and put him on the handlebars of his motorcycle. Quick as a fox they were out of the forest and on their way to Marleewood!

Buzz was a careful driver. He knew he wasn't supposed to carry anyone on his handlebars, but this was an emergency. He carefully pulled into the parking lot and chose a safe and pretty place to park his bike. There were all kinds of roses blooming that the children and their parents had planted for Grandma Lu. No one could see them or the bike. Buzz said, "Okay, Winston. What's your story? Your home is a long ways from here. Don't you realize you could have been turned to stone like those campers or worse yet that witch could have turned you into a duck like poor Felix? Why did you tell me to take you to Marleewood? What or who is here that is so important?"
Winston took a deep breath and said, "I have a friend here that is visiting Grandma Lu. It's the first time that they have ever met each other. They have just talked on their phones. Faun decided that she would do a little traveling and that's why she's here. Oh listen! If you are really quiet you can hear Grandma Lu telling the children the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs through the open window. She is pretending that Marlee is Snow White, but is calling her Princess Marlee. You didn't realize it, but I was wearing my magic cap when I was in the forest. It got caught on a branch of a tree. It protected me against the Wicked Witch, but if she sees it and wears it I can't even think of the bad things that she could do. What if Grandma B's little granddaughter decides to walk into the forest? What then?
The little gnomes then heard Grandma Lu say, "Princess Marlee went to answer the door since the butler wasn't available. It was a nice lady giving away pomegranates.
Princess Marlee loved pomegranate juice. She called her cook and asked her to make her some juice to drink. She then thanked the pretty lady for the fruit. As she turned to find the cook she grinned and thought. 'What a silly hat that lady was wearing.' Oh I must go to the kitchen to see if Cook has my juice ready. I just love it."
I think Smokey, the Bear, was helping me write the first part of this story. Then I finally figured out how to get little Winston out of the forest, but now the witch has his magic cap! How do I get myself into these things? Lol. Looks like to me that Princess Marlee really shouldn't drink that juice....
ReplyDeleteI am re-posting this on June 24, 2021 to refresh everyone's mind before reading the next story. Will Princess Marlee drink that juice? We shall see... lol