Josh was laughing so hard he was choking. "Stop! Don't leave yet. I need to get out and see what's going on around here. Give me your cell phone. If it has Google Maps on it I can see if in fact we are at the right place. You know we are because it says the DD Ranch sign hanging down from the top of that gate. For some reason there are goats and chickens here instead of horses." All of a sudden the dog jumped out the window and barked so loud that the animals all scattered. Feathers flew and the long necked creature hummed as he ambled away. But Allie was not a bit amused. "Why are you laughing so hard? This cannot be the dude ranch that my uncle left me. I don't see a horse around here anywhere. But she started to chuckle herself when she saw a sheep nudging and nipping at Josh's arm while he was trying to get some cell phone reception. "What's the matter, Josh? Does that sheep think you are good to eat? So where are we anyway? And please get that goat off my Jeep. It's going to put a hole in the top. It's not metal for some reason. Did you notice that?"

"It's no use. There isn't any reception where we are. Let's just drive on down this gravel road. I think it's probably the driveway to the outbuildings. There has to be some buildings for the animals and your house down there. Let's hope for the best. If nothing else we will have a good place to sleep tonight."
As they drove down the winding driveway they did see some outbuildings, but not what they expected. The buildings were gray and weather worn and some were about to fall apart. "Oh no! Look at this place. Surely this was never a dude ranch, Josh. What am I going to do now?"
Josh was beginning to wonder the same thing when he saw a little log cabin and a woman waving at them.
"Who is that, I wonder? At least there is some human beings here, not just goats and chickens." Josh laughed and said, "Don't forget the alpaca and that sheep back there. This is quite the little menagerie. I wonder what happened out here? If this place is as run down as it appears to be, why would your uncle want you to have it? I'm with you there. I don't get it."
Across the way the couple watching with their telescope and binoculars were not happy. They thought that the girl and her friend would leave as soon as they saw all the goats and chickens, but not so. "Lookie there, my dear. They plumb drove right up to Maxine's cabin. Doggone it. I thought fer sure they would hightail it back to the city. We gotta watch and see what happens next. Maybe Maxine will get rid of 'em. Let's get out on the porch. It's getting late, but the moon is pretty bright. We should be able to see what is going on. I left the binoculars outside. Can you grab the telescope for me? I think we could get a better look see from out on the porch. Do ya need some help? That's okay I'll get it. It's pretty heavy. Keep an eye on them though. I don't want them in that house if I can help it."
After they had talked to the friendly lady Josh told Allie to wait in the Jeep. He had a hunch that the house might not be where they wanted to spend the night. This was not looking good. "I just don't understand this whole thing. I have a feeling there is more than meets the eye around here. I get the same feeling I did at that little cafe. Weird that's what it is."
" Oh doggone it! Look there goes that young man over to the house. There is no need them going over there. I have to figure something out quick." His wife grinned and said, "They are from the city. Remember things like running water and inside bathrooms? They will leave as soon as they find they only have an outhouse for a bathroom and have to prime the pump out in the yard to get water. Bill never did see the need for all the niceties of city folks. They shall soon be gone and our investment will pay off for sure. The lawyer told us we would soon be rich if we invested with him in that ranch. It will be fine. Wait and see."
Josh walked around the house only to find a cat and a goat laying on the porch.
He slapped away spider webs and tried the door. It wasn't locked. He couldn't believe it. He went to yell for Allie to come over to the house and felt that he had company. He looked over his shoulder and a friendly voice said, "Hey there, young fella. Whatcha doin ' out here? This here is private property."
"You scared me. Who are you? Yes I know this is private property. The woman that owns it is right over there in that Jeep. Or she was. Looks like she is on her way over here now. This is is Aaliyah. She is the new owner of this ranch. Her Uncle Bill left it to her in his will."
The man frowned and said, "I never heard of Bill having any relatives. He never said a word about having a niece. Now, I'd just as soon have you leave or I'll have to call the sheriff. I mean it now. Now git yourselves back in that there strange vehicle and go back to where you came from."
Aaliyah was really tired. She was tired of lots of things; being evicted, being poor, traveling, and now this nosy old man was threatening her. "I have proof that I am the rightful owner of this ranch. Now it's your turn to "git" as you say or I will call the sheriff for you!"
The man frowned. He didn't look so friendly anymore, but he did turn and walk away. Josh and Allie watched him disappear into the trees and scrub brush. "I wonder who that guy was. What a welcome committee that man was. Silly me. I was hoping to make friends here and have some fun. So far not so good. Oh well, let's go in and see what's inside. Is the door locked? I really need to go to the bathroom."
Uncle Bill liked to rough it evidently! lol Those neighbors! Are they the good buys or have they been swindled by the lawyer as well?
ReplyDeleteI dont even know how to reply lol. Poor girl.....
ReplyDeleteLol lol
DeletePoor Aaliyah and Josh Everytime they meet someone new it seems as if they are not wanted by them people.
ReplyDeleteExcited to see if they stay at the Dude Ranch.