Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What Happens At The Cafe Doesn't Always Stay At The Cafe

 The cafe was busy that day as Pat went rushing through the door. She looked around for an empty table or booth and saw that Allie was sitting by herself. She walked over to her and said, "Do you mind if I sit with you? I need a cup of tea and a cookie and a bit of quiet time. There doesn't seem to be an empty table." Allie smiled and said, "Join the club. I don't drink tea, but I'm not much in the mood for talking, so you are most welcome to sit."

The waitress took Pat's order and couldn't help but notice that the young woman looked about as sad as she felt. "It's probably over a man, however I did hear that the ranch was haunted. I sure wouldn't want to be living out there by myself. Maybe she's just the serious type. Order up!"

"Do you mind if I ask you a question? You are Allie, aren't you? You are the new owner of the Double D Ranch? If you don't mind me saying, you and I look like we are in the same boat. Mind if I sit here with you while I have my tea? Look at me at my age. I'm in love with a man that turns me inside out and doesn't know when he's got it good. I thought he was going to ask me to marry him, but instead he's just going to act like a nut and go back to the nursing home. Well he can just go. I think I will go back to work. I don't know doing what, but I'll find something to do."

Edward had begged his late wife, Virginia if he could go to the cafe with her to watch over Allie. He was tired of posing as a puppy. He had made sure that the sheriff was taking care of Maxine so he really had nothing to do. Virginia finally said that she thought it would be alright, so they made themselves invisible at the cafe so they could watch what their wards. Hopefully everyone would make up and be happy and they could go on and get a new assignment.
Caydon was at the counter watching Allie by herself then being joined by the older lady. He didn't know who she was, but they seemed to be chatting a little like ladies do. "I need to find Allie some help. She doesn't seem to know how to get things started out there at the ranch. We need a cook, but I don't think she hired Freda. I need to check on that, besides that, Freda can't do everything by herself. She needs help in the kitchen and I need help with the horses. Some of them seem off their feed. I think one of them at least has a bad tooth. I need to call that equine dentist I've been reading about. Sounds like she knows her way around horses. He got in his billfold and took out a business card he had picked up at the feed store. "Yes, this is it. I'll  call her when I get back to the ranch."

"Oh oh, there's Josh, Oh boy, he's not alone. He's with the old boy that used to own the Double D. He's making his way over to Allie and that older lady. Hmm, this might be better than a motion picture show. I just might stay a bit and watch the fun. The dentist can wait. Besides I'm hungry. I came in here for a burger." The ranch hand watched the foursome while he was eating. Wow! Oh oh, Allie doesn't look a bit happy. That lady is trying to keep up with  Allie as she walks out the door. Josh looks like he can't win for losing. I may have trouble with my new boss. Hopefully I will be able to stay out there. Used to be a good place to work."

Virginia said, "Well you sure didn't do a very good job helping me with Allie. Look! She and Pat are rushing out the door. We need to follow them and see where they are going. That's interesting. Pat left her car in the parking lot and got in the Jeep with Allie. We need to ride along. Hopefully Pat's got enough influence with Allie that she can calm her down. We need to get Rex and Pat back together again. It looks like Pat has a little stubborn streak. You put that together with Allie's and it's hard telling what's going to happen. Look we are turning into the ranch. I wonder what Allie has in mind. Listen. We need to know what our next step is. I'm glad the sheriff is still at Maxine's cabin. She must be alright, but you had better go on over there and check things out. I will let you know if I need you over here."


"So you know Freda and you also can also bake cookies and pies? Do you want to see the Dining Hall? It's pretty big and has a big kitchen, but I haven't advertised the ranch yet so you won't be doing anything but cleaning and making a list of things that you need. Do you think that you and Freda will work well together? Oh I had no idea. You have already worked together in the past. School cooks, well, I don't know if that would qualify you to cook for people who are paying a lot more for their meals than the kids' parents do for their hot lunch. Mac and cheese, hot dogs and pizza aren't things that adults go for nowadays; at least on a regular basis. I'm going to try to make this ranch income based so folks that can't afford much can stay and eat here inexpensively or free. What else can you make?"

"You do what? You are a retired bookkeeper? No way! Now that I can use. Let's go in the house and talk. I haven't even found the books that my Uncle Bill kept when he was alive. I've been so busy since I've been here you wouldn't believe it. I know you are upset with Josh's grandfather, but would it help keep your mind off him to help me out here? You would? Great! When can you start? Now? Even better. Let's go upstairs and I'll show you his desk. It's a mess up there. I've been saying the place is haunted, but I think it's just because I misplace things and have to blame it on something," she laughed. "It's right this way. With the two of us looking and working it shouldn't take long to get ready for some advertising. No? I have to do what? I forgot all about that. Josh told me he'd help get a website put together. Boy you know a lot about a lot of things. You have friends?" she laughed as she was going through the old desk. Pointed to a closet for Pat to go through. They spent a quiet afternoon sharing their discoveries and getting a start on a plan for the ranch.


Josh and his grandfather quietly walked out the door of the cafe and made their way to the parking lot. Josh was going to take his grandfather back to the nursing home. He and his grandfather had batted a thousand when it came to women. They both struck out. Allie wanted to talk to him, but not about the mine. She wouldn't even consider opening it back up. He said, "Fine, I won't mention it again if that's how you feel. Are you sure you have enough money to make your ranch a rescue and recover ranch the way you see it? It's a dream not a reality at this point, Allie. You need a lot of help and you are so doggone stubborn you just won't listen to me. You just can't dive into something like this without a plan! You need a budget, you need more ranch hands, you need trainers and a professional advisor. You need kitchen help and landscapers. I could on for an hour. Oh never mind, I give up."

Caydon noticed that the older man wasn't doing any better than Josh was. Their conversation consisted mainly of shaking their heads at each other and little talking. Caydon shook his head when he saw the whom he now knew as Rex, put his hand on the older lady's and drew back sharply when she slapped at it. "There's no need for talking when you get a reaction like that from a lady. I'm sure glad I'm not into dating. I don't need that kind of trouble. The ranch keeps me busy. That's for sure. No need for women."

In a little bit he heard the sweetest voice this side of the Rio Grande, "Hey there, cowboy; nice hat. Mind if I sit here for a bit? I'm as thirsty as a brand new sponge."

Caydon felt like he was drowning in the biggest most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen and said, "Sure thing, what can I get you? I'm just here watching the show. No I mean chewing, er  No, I meant I'm calling the dentist. He coughed and covered his mouth and said,  "I'm sorry, what would you like to drink, I'll get it for you." He really wished that his ears weren't burning and he should have gotten a hair cut. "Waitress! Please help us, she's a sponge. Oh just get her a coke. Thanks," He thought he heard the tinkle of tiny bells, but it was this beautiful woman laughing. "I'd probably better get back to the ranch. Nice meeting you." 

The young woman smiled and thought, "Sooner than you think, big fella."


Rex asked Josh to take him back to the nursing home, but soon they noticed that Pat's car was still in the parking lot. Where did she go? They both looked at one another and said, "Let's go!"


  1. Well, well, well. Looks like we have a triangle. Who is the waitress? Lill is gone, so it isn't her. Who is the beautiful young woman? Where do you think Rex and Josh are going? And do you think that the sheriff and Maxine are really alright? We shall see in the next story

  2. omg triangle I guess lol my head is spinning.


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