He smiled as he thought about his wife. She loved to go camping, but she took everything but the kitchen sink with her. One time she even took an iron. As he pulled into the yard he saw her waving at him. "I can't believe it. She's actually ready. She must be ready for a little quiet time. I'm glad that it's only for three days though because I really can't miss my physical therapy. I can already tell the difference a little exercise makes in my hip. Okay I'm coming. I'm coming. Good grief it's not like I've been gone for two hours."
He got out of the camper and said, "Hey, what's your hurry? Alright, just let me put my fishing poles away. I got a new fish net too. I'll put that stuff under the bed. The tackle box is under the trailer like always."
"No, just throw them on the bed and let's get out of here. Have you thought about where to go? Did you get some cash? Good. Let's just go to the other side of the lake. We've never camped there before. We have some friends over there. Maybe give them a call. They can come over for a bbq. What do you think?"
He thought that sounded like a good idea. He wasn't in for a long trip since he hurt his back. "Sounds good to me. I'll just throw this stuff in the back and we will be on our way."
She was a cat of many names, but Addison, as her last human called her quickly jumped off the bed and hid lest she be found. She was ready for an adventure, not be kicked out like yesterday's trash as so often had happened to her in her life. The little girl, Regan, and her mother had saved her from an early death. She had always wanted a rush, a thrill, a death defying adventure and she had found several throughout the years. The last one though about finished her off. She thought that she could jump from the rooftop of a really high building to the branch of a tree and she missed! "I nearly broke every bone in my body and probably used up about seven of my nine lives that day. Good thing that lady found me or I would have been a goner. Actually a good thing the veterinarian she took me to told her how to take care of me and told her that I should live a long good life."
"It was a great place to live, good food, but the petting and the other cats! Meow! I just couldn't take the day after day of purring and making them think I was happy. No! I just had to leave. The little girl still has the other cats. It's good that I left before she started to love me. I just can't have that. Love means being committed to staying in once place. No, not for me."
She jumped back up onto the bed. She stretched and yawned soon to be sound asleep. She had only closed her eyes for a few seconds. She listened and felt the camper moving. "Oh good. Back to my comfy home for awhile. Oh this bed is so comfortable I think the swaying and moving is making me sleepy again. While she waited to fall asleep she thought of all the things that she had been through over the years. Oh the fun I have had but don't forget the bad times. There were many. That one little girl that carried me around by my neck almost finished me off, and once I got caught in a blizzard and had to room with a squirrel in it's home in a tree to survive. Talk about cold. I almost froze to death. I still can smell those acorns. Yuk! Not for me. Give me a good old fish, maybe a sardine or some tuna fish. Makes me hungry just to think about it."
"Oh the memories, she purred. I had a friend once that was a dog. I still can't believe that that dog didn't eat me alive. He was huge! I can't remember his name for sure; maybe Rex. He was looking out his window and saw me outside in his yard. He went out the first chance he got and told me that his humans were making jerky and he was sure that I would like it. He had sneaked me out a piece of it. Not my favorite. Fish is my favorite, so I thanked him and made my way to the nearby lake. It was quite the journey. Just think if I had a permanent home I would never have made friends with a Great Dane. I felt bad about leaving that big guy, but he had two little girls. That was no place for me.

Yup I just have a feeling I'm on to another adventure. I just don't know what. Probably not too exciting. These people are old."
Addison heard a familiar sound; a sneeze as humans called it. "No! Not again! There just seems to be something about me that makes humans sneeze, but there was no human in this little house on wheels. Suddenly her bed started to raise up in the air. She felt herself being flipped to the top of the bed and all those comfy pillows were now falling all over her. She was being buried alive by the pillows. A net of some kind had her trapped! Surely this was not her eighth or nineth life! What was happening?"
I often wonder about the "strays" that appear out of nowhere at our house. I'm sure they all have a story many are sad ones I'm afraid. But this cat is an adventurer and out to see the world even a tiny part of it. The fishing net, however, is not part of her plan! lol
ReplyDeleteI love cats and they are so finicky but curious. Spaz was something else my old Tom Cat that lived more then his 9 lives. one ear gone and the other only half there. I sure miss him. All the cats I ever had that were the best just showed up out of no where and stayed forever.