Josh had his feelings hurt more than his body. Yes he had gotten bonked on the head with something or someone. He had fallen down the hill and the girl was gone. "What happened here? Dad is going to have my head for this. Oh no! Where is my phone? It has the GPS app on it that's connected to that girl's camper. I have to find that before I do anything else. Why on earth would anyone want to hurt me? Josh, my boy, I think you are imagining things. It must have been a branch from a tree that fell on your head. Wait! What are those campers saying about that girl? He crawled on his belly up the hill a little so that he could hear them better. Is that right? Heading to Oklahoma huh? Well I had better find my phone because Oklahoma is just where she should be going if she's going to Texas. She will be on I-49 soon. This shouldn't be a problem even for a school child. I got this."
Aaliyah was on the road. Her belly was full and she had made fun forever memories with the campers. Some of them were so nice. That little girl's dad had moved her camper so easily it almost made her mad. She grinned remembering those little girls. "They were funny. Boy they sure had good food, but they were so nosy! "I didn't tell them much. Oh well, they were harmless, but right now I have to find a gas station. I'm getting down there towards a quarter of a tank. Oh there is one. Good."
When she got out of the Jeep a little dog came trotting over to her. "Oh aren't you just the cutest thing? Who are you? Where is your owner, little one? You are so cute. Wish I had a dog. Oh well, I need to fill this thing up again. I wonder if they have an ATM. I am running out of cash in the glove box. You stay put, little one. I'm sure your owner will be right out. You have a collar and leash so you belong to someone. I have to get going."
Aaliyah filled the tank it took $31.68 worth of gasoline. "She counted out the cash from the envelope. I have only seventy-four dollars left in the envelope. Maybe I should have used the ATM and gotten cash from the bank account Uncle Bill said I had. But who knows what expenses I will have when I get there. I should be able to get there with the money he left in the glove box. I still have food in the cooler. Those campers really helped my budget as far as food goes. They even gave me some food to take along. Nice people."
She got back in the Jeep and noticed that little dog still sitting on the blacktop. "Oh dear. What shall I do about that little dog? I guess I had better go in and ask the cashier if she knows who that little cutie belongs to."
She got out and went back in the station. The cashier said she hadn't noticed anyone with a dog for several days. "I don't know where it came from." She told Aaliyah that she guessed she better call the pound so it would be safe from cars hitting it. At least it would have shelter, food and water there." Aaliyah sadly agreed and went back out to the Jeep. She had no idea that she was being watched. Josh was standing in the trees not far from the gas pumps.
Aaliyah soon noticed the sign that said I-49 in 2 miles. "Oh good! I know that Oklahoma is coming up soon. I go through there then on to Texas and my new home. She noticed that the weather was getting warmer and she didn't have to have the heater on anymore.. Before she knew it she saw people pulling through a little booth that looked a lot like the campground booth. "Toll booth. What's that for? It says all kinds of axles and money for the different axles. What's an axle? Is that wheels? Money? Oh good grief! I can't keep paying out money. What do you mean how much does your camper weigh? I have no idea. I just got it. No I didn't steal it. I inherited it from my Uncle. I'm sure it has a license on it. Oh you are giving me a break? How nice of you. It's only fifteen dollars? Great." She handed over the fifteen dollars and decided no more turnpikes for her. She was going to take the back roads. She only had fifty-eight dollars and some change left. She had to be ever so careful.

She soon found a state highway and stopped for a cool drink and took a few minutes to set her GPS. She noticed that taking the state two lane highways was going to take her a lot longer to get there, but there wouldn't be anymore toll charges. She just couldn't afford it. As she drank her drink she had the oddest feeling that she wasn't alone. "Stuffy, I think I'm getting goofy. I must be really tired. I feel like we have company." About that time a warm little tongue licked her ear and whined. Aaliyah screamed and jumped so hard she hit her head on the head liner. There was that little dog! "Oh no! What are you doing in my car? Oh no! Now what do I do? You silly thing. I can barely feed myself, let alone you. Oh you are so very cute though."

There was nothing to it. She had to take the dog with her. She didn't have the time or the money to turn around and take the dog back. She could tell that the dog was hungry and thirsty so she got out and went back to the cooler and got a bottle of water and took a little of the lunch meat she had. She needed some kind of dish. Yes, there was a little dish. She put some water in it and got back into the Jeep. "Well, it looks like you are going to Texas with me, little one. I don't think Stuffy will care. I could use some company anyway. Ok, let's get going. Oklahoma isn't far away, maybe only half an hour. Soon you and I will have a new home.
As Aaliyah traveled on she did miss the big highways, but she met tractors and trucks. She wasn't making very good time. She wondered if she had done the right thing. As she looked around she noticed that the dirt wasn't brown anymore, it was red. Red dirt, that's weird. I wonder why that is. She saw a lot of farm houses and farmers planting out in the fields. "They are way ahead of the farmers in Illinois. I guess it's because I am a lot further south and it sure is warmer." She noticed that she was talking to her new little friend, the dog. She guessed she would have to pick a name for it one of these days.
As she traveled further she saw something she had never seen before; oil wells and bales of hay on the same field. "Now this is weird. I had no idea this was going on in my country. That's what you get for not going anywhere or at least looking things up in the library or on my phone. Of course, I couldn't concentrate on anything but my belly and getting a job so I could eat and keep my apartment. This is so cool, dog. Just makes me wonder what we will see in Texas."

Josh's rental car was a safe distance behind Aaliyah's Jeep so she didn't realize he was following her. He was not a happy man. "It's getting hot and dusty out here. I think I will give my dad a call and let him know what's going on. He grabbed his phone and his dad answered right away. "Are you in Texas, kid?" "Dad she is taking the back roads to Texas. We are in Oklahoma, but she's making me drive on these old red dirt roads. That red dirt might be great for planting things, but I'm going to choke to death out here. You know the weather in this state can get pretty dicey. I hope I'm not going to get mixed up in a tornado on the way. Plus she picked up a dog at a gas station back a few miles. She actually looks like a very nice woman. I'd hate to think that you are planning on taking away her ranch. That is not what you are thinking of doing are you? Dad?" His dad had either hung up or he had lost reception out here in no where land.
He had taken time to grab a sandwich, chips and some bottled water at the same gas station where Aaliyah had stopped. He turned on his radio and could only find country western music. Blake Shelton, the Oklahoma cowboy. Man, isn't there any other kind of music in this state?" About that time there was a loud test announcement on his radio. Tornado warning! He looked in the sky and couldn't believe his eyes. The sky was getting really black. There was a huge black cloud that didn't look good to him. "I hope I am imagining things, but I think I see the beginning of a funnel forming in that monster." He needed to find shelter and fast. But the girl! He had to get her to safety too. Okay little rental car let's catch up to her fast as you can go."

Josh tromped on the gas pedal and the red dirt flew! He was driving way too fast on these old gravel roads, but he had to catch up with her. At last he saw the little camper. It was kind of weaving behind the Jeep. The wind was blowing way too hard to be safe. He had to get them to safety. Up ahead he saw a building. It was provide at least some shelter. But there was a burn barrel with a fire in it. I don't dare. Something is better than nothing. I have to get her attention. He started honking his horn over and over. Finally the girl slowed down. He jumped out of his car and ran up to her. "Get going over to that old corn crib. There is a bad storm coming. Drive your rig right in the middle and I will follow you. Now GO! NOW!"