Grandma Lu had gone to Marleewood to open her mail. She found that folks had sent her several pictures for her photo album. She loved pictures. It seemed like each picture had not only a story but a memory that she treasured. As she was putting some in her book she noticed an old newspaper picture of her two oldest children; Melanie and Joey. "Oh they were so cute when they were little. They had great imaginations and lots of fun in those days," she thought to herself.
Grandma B came in with a big smile on her face. "Hey, what are you doing? Oh, that's an old newspaper clipping. Who are those kids?"
Grandma Lu chuckled and said, "Well, hello to you too! Did you bring some snacks? Those kids are my two oldest ones about 50 years ago. Cute, weren't they? Yes, all grown up now with their own children and Joe even has grandchildren. Doesn't seem possible."
"Hey there, Miss Marlee! Is that a new sundress you are wearing? I like that! A story? It's been a long time since I've told a story what with the virus and Marleewood being closed and all. Well, I'll have to think. What do you think, B? Is it alright for children to start coming in or would you like me to tell a story on that video chat type thing. Whatever you call it."
Grandma B had brought in some cookies that Sonya had made and some drinks. "You never told me why your little ones were in the newspaper."
"Oh these are delicious. Sonya is so talented. Everytime I see a cake or cookie I think of her mom. I miss her a lot, but when I think of her I smile. You remember Bon Bon in my stories? We got stuck down in the tunnels in your little hometown in one of them. We had such fun when we were young out on the farm. Bonnie was my cousin. I don't know which one of us got into the most mischief, probably her because I was a perfect child you know. You can tell just by looking at this old picture. I was such an angel. We both looked like our daddies."
Marlee heard her Grandma B choke on her coffee because she was laughing so hard. "Perfect? Yeah right. Tell me another story. One I can believe," she laughed. Marlee looked up at Grandma Lu and said, "Are you telling a story now to my grandma? You tell stories all the time. Don't you have another one for kids? Please? I'll share one of Zeke's dog biscuits with you."
Friday, July 31, 2020
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Did Marlee Find The Check?
Grandma B had looked out the window and yelled at Marlee to get back in the house before she got all wet. As she turned to shut the door she saw a piece of paper that looked surprisingly like a check. "Surely that can't be Grandma Lu's stimulus check. The lady in Oklahoma said that she had it and was mailing it back to her. I guess I'm going to get wet." But instead of going outside she said in a loud voice, "Marlee, look underneath that big sunflower. I think Grandma Lu's check is there. It's getting all wet. Quick grab it and get it in the house."
So quick like a fox Marlee did just that. She took it in the house and asked Grandma B to see if that was Grandma Lu's missing check. It was! Oh she was so happy. She wanted to go back to Marleewood so she could give it to Grandma Lu, but her grandma said, "No, it's raining. I will call her and tell her the good news. You did good, Marlee. I'm so proud of you."
Grandma B got distracted by watching Zeke. He had decided to cuddle Whitlee Jo and Marlee while they were on the couch so she didn't get the call made to Grandma Lu right away.
While they were playing with Zeke Marlee called Charlie. Marlee invited her friend to Marleewood. Charlie said she would come as soon as she could find a ride. She told Marlee all about visiting her Nanny at the lake. She had fun water toys to play with. She was having so much fun. Charlie said that she had been making new friends too. She told Marlee that her new friend's name was Mylee. They had so much fun together at the lake. She asked Marlee if Grandma Lu was still telling stories. She was happy to hear Marlee say that she thought Grandma Lu was going to start telling stories again. She promised to visit as soon as she could. Marlee told Charlie to bring Mylee with her if her mama said it was okay. She would have lots of fun and snacks too.
When Grandma Lu got home she heard her phone ringing which reminded her to call the lady in Oklahoma. She sat down in her easy chair along with a cup of coffee and a cookie. When she picked up the phone she saw that it was her friend, Grandma B. She couldn't believe her ears. Grandma B had her stimulus check? Well, what did the lady in Oklahoma want? She said, "B, I have to go that lady is calling me from Oklahoma."
Soon you could hear her chuckling and said, "Now you just don't worry about a thing, Yvette. Mother Nature just sent that check right back to me. Marlee found it in the sunflower patch that she planted. It's a little soggy from the rain, but as soon as it dries I'm going to take it to the bank. Thank you so much. Keep in touch. You know Marleewood is open again. I will be telling stories to the children very soon I would think. I have a fun new story I just happened to think of. You are welcome to come too. I know it's a long trip, but we would love to have you. Bye for now."
So quick like a fox Marlee did just that. She took it in the house and asked Grandma B to see if that was Grandma Lu's missing check. It was! Oh she was so happy. She wanted to go back to Marleewood so she could give it to Grandma Lu, but her grandma said, "No, it's raining. I will call her and tell her the good news. You did good, Marlee. I'm so proud of you."
Grandma B got distracted by watching Zeke. He had decided to cuddle Whitlee Jo and Marlee while they were on the couch so she didn't get the call made to Grandma Lu right away.
While they were playing with Zeke Marlee called Charlie. Marlee invited her friend to Marleewood. Charlie said she would come as soon as she could find a ride. She told Marlee all about visiting her Nanny at the lake. She had fun water toys to play with. She was having so much fun. Charlie said that she had been making new friends too. She told Marlee that her new friend's name was Mylee. They had so much fun together at the lake. She asked Marlee if Grandma Lu was still telling stories. She was happy to hear Marlee say that she thought Grandma Lu was going to start telling stories again. She promised to visit as soon as she could. Marlee told Charlie to bring Mylee with her if her mama said it was okay. She would have lots of fun and snacks too.
When Grandma Lu got home she heard her phone ringing which reminded her to call the lady in Oklahoma. She sat down in her easy chair along with a cup of coffee and a cookie. When she picked up the phone she saw that it was her friend, Grandma B. She couldn't believe her ears. Grandma B had her stimulus check? Well, what did the lady in Oklahoma want? She said, "B, I have to go that lady is calling me from Oklahoma."
Soon you could hear her chuckling and said, "Now you just don't worry about a thing, Yvette. Mother Nature just sent that check right back to me. Marlee found it in the sunflower patch that she planted. It's a little soggy from the rain, but as soon as it dries I'm going to take it to the bank. Thank you so much. Keep in touch. You know Marleewood is open again. I will be telling stories to the children very soon I would think. I have a fun new story I just happened to think of. You are welcome to come too. I know it's a long trip, but we would love to have you. Bye for now."
Monday, July 27, 2020
Celebration With Friends
If you happened to be walking past Marleewood this morning, you would hear the happy sounds of laughter and good friends visiting. The folks in the kitchen were so happy. Jo Ann had gotten her lost pictures back of her grandchildren. So Grandma B, Grandma Lu, and Marlee were all celebrating by having some cookies and a nice cold drink. Grandma Lu's phone was ringing, but they decided that they would take a break from cell phones for awhile. They would call back if it was important. This morning was all about a celebration of returned photos, a wonderful trip, and most importantly a reunion of friends. It had been quite some time since they had seen each other. Marlee said that she sure would like to see her friend, Charlie, again. It had been a long time since Charlie and her Nannie had been to Marleewood. "You can call her when we get back to the mini farm. How does does that sound?" asked Grandma B.
Then Grandma B said, "Marlee, I heard it was supposed to rain today, so I think we should probably get home and make sure everything is on the porch that we don't want to get wet. Your sunflowers will love the rain and so will my garden." Jo Ann agreed and picked up her purse to get ready to leave. "Don't forget to look at your phone, Grandma Lu. You need to check to see who was calling you. See you soon, girls. Bye, Marlee!" There were hugs for everyone and soon Grandma Lu found herself in a quiet kitchen.
"Well, I guess I should have answered the phone after all," Grandma Lu said to herself as she read missed calls. "It's the lady that was going to mail me my stimulus check. She's probably just telling me that she mailed it. I really need to lock up and get on home. I hear thunder. B's probably right. It is going to rain. By the looks of things it's going to be a soaker. I'll call her back later and thank her."
The first thing Marlee did when they got back to the mini farm was to take Zeke for a walk. She had missed him while she was on her trip. It didn't take long though before she felt raindrops falling. "Come on, Zeke! Let's get back to the house. Mother Nature is making it rain just like Grandma B said she would. Run!"
If you could hear through the thunder and the rain you just might hear Mother Nature chuckling and saying, "Sorry, Grandma Lu, but I couldn't wait any longer. Those folks need rain."
Then Grandma B said, "Marlee, I heard it was supposed to rain today, so I think we should probably get home and make sure everything is on the porch that we don't want to get wet. Your sunflowers will love the rain and so will my garden." Jo Ann agreed and picked up her purse to get ready to leave. "Don't forget to look at your phone, Grandma Lu. You need to check to see who was calling you. See you soon, girls. Bye, Marlee!" There were hugs for everyone and soon Grandma Lu found herself in a quiet kitchen.
"Well, I guess I should have answered the phone after all," Grandma Lu said to herself as she read missed calls. "It's the lady that was going to mail me my stimulus check. She's probably just telling me that she mailed it. I really need to lock up and get on home. I hear thunder. B's probably right. It is going to rain. By the looks of things it's going to be a soaker. I'll call her back later and thank her."
The first thing Marlee did when they got back to the mini farm was to take Zeke for a walk. She had missed him while she was on her trip. It didn't take long though before she felt raindrops falling. "Come on, Zeke! Let's get back to the house. Mother Nature is making it rain just like Grandma B said she would. Run!"
If you could hear through the thunder and the rain you just might hear Mother Nature chuckling and saying, "Sorry, Grandma Lu, but I couldn't wait any longer. Those folks need rain."
Friday, July 24, 2020
It Was Time To Go Home
Grandma B showed the newspaper article to her son and his wife. "Look at these pictures. They belong to JoAnn. I just called her. The lady that put the article in the paper lives close by. Shall we stop there on the way home? Grandma Lu told me that a lady in Oklahoma called her. Her daughter found her stimulus check while she was weeding. So all is well. Let's tell Marlee she doesn't need to go to Colorado. I think it would be fun to go get the pictures then do some fishing. We haven't done that for a long time. How about a picnic? Marlee loves a picnic and so do a lot of her friends. What do you think? Is it time to go home?"
Grandma B walked over to where Marlee was getting ready to get on the road. "Guess what, Marlee? Grandma Lu's check was found in Oklahoma. Those nice people are mailing it to Grandma Lu so we can go home now. How would you like to make a stop along the way? I found an add in a newspaper that said that a lady has found Jo Ann's pictures. It's a really long story, Marlee. I'll tell you all about it when we get home, but I just know she would love to have them back as soon as possible."
Marlee wasn't really ready to go home yet. She had made new friends on her latest adventure and was sure she would make some more on her way to Colorado. "Well, I do have a new hat. I guess we can go home. And I really like picnics, but I just thought I'd have fun in Colorado." Grandma B assured her that they would go out west another time, but she and her parents thought they would cut this trip a little short. "You know we have your birthday party to plan too. We have lots of things to do when we get home. Marlee, the hibiscus are blooming. You know how much you love them. So we had better pack up and get on back. Those sunflowers you planted were about ready to bloom too. Yes, we need to get back and tend to the flower and vegetable gardens."
A few days later Grandma Lu called Jo Ann and said, "Why don't you run up to Marleewood. B and I have a surprise for you." Even after lots of questions Grandma Lu said, "No, now B has the coffee on and I'm sure there are some snacks around here. It will be good to see you again. See you in a few minutes."
Jo Ann knew that Marlee was back from her trip and thought, "I think I will give that little one a doll I have. I know that B will help her keep it safe. So she wrapped it up and put it in the car. When she got there sure enough there were her friends and Marlee and cupcakes! "What a fun day." But soon she would think it was really a good day. If one was to look closely you just might see a happy tear in her eyes when she was handed the pictures of her grandchildren that had been missing. Oh what a wonderful surprise.
There was a very upset lady in Oklahoma frantically looking for the check that Abby had put on her desk. It belonged to a lady called Grandma Lu. "Where on earth could that check gone to? Abby said she put it right here by the window....
Grandma B walked over to where Marlee was getting ready to get on the road. "Guess what, Marlee? Grandma Lu's check was found in Oklahoma. Those nice people are mailing it to Grandma Lu so we can go home now. How would you like to make a stop along the way? I found an add in a newspaper that said that a lady has found Jo Ann's pictures. It's a really long story, Marlee. I'll tell you all about it when we get home, but I just know she would love to have them back as soon as possible."
Marlee wasn't really ready to go home yet. She had made new friends on her latest adventure and was sure she would make some more on her way to Colorado. "Well, I do have a new hat. I guess we can go home. And I really like picnics, but I just thought I'd have fun in Colorado." Grandma B assured her that they would go out west another time, but she and her parents thought they would cut this trip a little short. "You know we have your birthday party to plan too. We have lots of things to do when we get home. Marlee, the hibiscus are blooming. You know how much you love them. So we had better pack up and get on back. Those sunflowers you planted were about ready to bloom too. Yes, we need to get back and tend to the flower and vegetable gardens."
A few days later Grandma Lu called Jo Ann and said, "Why don't you run up to Marleewood. B and I have a surprise for you." Even after lots of questions Grandma Lu said, "No, now B has the coffee on and I'm sure there are some snacks around here. It will be good to see you again. See you in a few minutes."
Jo Ann knew that Marlee was back from her trip and thought, "I think I will give that little one a doll I have. I know that B will help her keep it safe. So she wrapped it up and put it in the car. When she got there sure enough there were her friends and Marlee and cupcakes! "What a fun day." But soon she would think it was really a good day. If one was to look closely you just might see a happy tear in her eyes when she was handed the pictures of her grandchildren that had been missing. Oh what a wonderful surprise.
There was a very upset lady in Oklahoma frantically looking for the check that Abby had put on her desk. It belonged to a lady called Grandma Lu. "Where on earth could that check gone to? Abby said she put it right here by the window....
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Mother Nature Is Having Fun With The Check
Grandma Lu was so happy! Abby's mom had called and wanted to talk to Grandma B. Grandma Lu had explained to her that she was on vacation, but she would leave a message for her. The news was shocking. The lady from Oklahoma had told her that her daughter had found a stimulus check while she was weeding out in the fence line. She said the check was made out to a Grandma Lu. "What? Oh my goodness, that's me! Abby found my check? Oh that's so wonderful! I will send her a little something for her kindness. Thank you so much. I sure can use that money nowadays."
Grandma Lu gave the lady her address and set about doing her household chores with a happy heart. She stopped for a minute and thought, "Oh dear, I need to call Gracie and tell her to come back home. My check is in the mail!"
What she didn't know was that her check had blown out the window before it could be sent to her. Mother Nature was having so much fun! She had had an idea. She was going to make the wind howl and swirl. "I think this will do the trick. I am nice once in awhile," she grinned to herself. Since she loved sunflowers because they made her happy she sent the check to Grandma B's sunflower patch. She put all rain on hold until this silly family got back home and found the check. "I think I'm going on vacation for awhile. This has been a lot of work for me. I hope that little girl can quit playing with that pup when she gets back and find the check or I'll have to cloud up and rain all over everything in a few days. People need the rain in that neck of the woods."
She settled back on a great big cloud just far enough so she could watch the show.
Close by the rescue ranch there was a man and woman celebrating their wedding anniversary on a Dude Ranch. They were enjoying themselves riding horses. Soon the wind started picking up making it uncomfortable. "I didn't think there was supposed to be a storm today. I hope it doesn't rain," said the lady. Her husband just grinned and said, "No, it will be fine. Mother Nature is on our side today because it's our anniversary." They both chuckled and had one of the staff take their picture and send it to Grandma Lu at Marleewood for her photo album.
Kyler wasn't having any luck finding Grandma Lu's check. His daddy needed the big truck so he turned around and went back home. He was disappointed. He had wanted to find Grandma Lu's check for her. The traveling had made him really tired. He soon felt himself falling asleep. He could feel the breeze coming through his window.
Grandma Lu gave the lady her address and set about doing her household chores with a happy heart. She stopped for a minute and thought, "Oh dear, I need to call Gracie and tell her to come back home. My check is in the mail!"
What she didn't know was that her check had blown out the window before it could be sent to her. Mother Nature was having so much fun! She had had an idea. She was going to make the wind howl and swirl. "I think this will do the trick. I am nice once in awhile," she grinned to herself. Since she loved sunflowers because they made her happy she sent the check to Grandma B's sunflower patch. She put all rain on hold until this silly family got back home and found the check. "I think I'm going on vacation for awhile. This has been a lot of work for me. I hope that little girl can quit playing with that pup when she gets back and find the check or I'll have to cloud up and rain all over everything in a few days. People need the rain in that neck of the woods."
She settled back on a great big cloud just far enough so she could watch the show.
Close by the rescue ranch there was a man and woman celebrating their wedding anniversary on a Dude Ranch. They were enjoying themselves riding horses. Soon the wind started picking up making it uncomfortable. "I didn't think there was supposed to be a storm today. I hope it doesn't rain," said the lady. Her husband just grinned and said, "No, it will be fine. Mother Nature is on our side today because it's our anniversary." They both chuckled and had one of the staff take their picture and send it to Grandma Lu at Marleewood for her photo album.
Kyler wasn't having any luck finding Grandma Lu's check. His daddy needed the big truck so he turned around and went back home. He was disappointed. He had wanted to find Grandma Lu's check for her. The traveling had made him really tired. He soon felt himself falling asleep. He could feel the breeze coming through his window.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Dandelion Wishes Don't Always Come True
Marlee had decided that the lady would pay her more to help put her little girl's swing set together than the karaoke singing job. She thought that she would enjoy the summer sunshine too. She was starting to miss her little sister. "Hopefully I will make enough money to get to Colorado, question the crook and get back home with money for Grandma Lu. This job shouldn't take long and then I'll be back on the road."
What Marlee didn't count on was that she wasn't the only one that was looking for a job. Siddalee wanted a job too. She was not a bit happy that Marlee had gotten the very job that she had wanted. "I love being outdoors. I should have had that job. I even made a wish on a dandelion that I would get a fun job and then I didn't get it. I just don't understand this at all. Dandelion wishes must not work. I don't want a job anyway. I'd sooner ride my bike and have fun."
Marlee followed the lady and her daughter, Addison to their house. "Oh, this is a really big job. It's hot outside too. I don't know if I can do this. Maybe I should tell her to get a grown up. However, Marlee had always taken herself seriously. She straightened her shoulders and said, "Okay, what would you like me to do? I'm ready to go to work." And work she did. It was so very hot. What Marlee didn't know was that her family was keeping a close eye on her and the lady did most of the work. It seemed that Marlee's job was playing with Addison which she enjoyed. It seemed like it took a really long time, but soon the swing set was all put together and Addison loved it!
When Marlee's family had left the karaoke store, Grandma B had picked up a newspaper from one of the stands. As she was waiting for Marlee to finish her job she decided to look through the little papers she had purchased. One of the papers was a lost and found free newspaper. As she leafed through it she couldn't believe her eyes! There was an ad where someone was trying to find an owner of pictures of children that had been stuck to the bottom of a trash can that belonged to Marleewood. The lady left her phone number and address hoping to find the owner of the photos.
Grandma B recognized one of the photos right away. She turned on her phone and found a lot of messages. "Oops, maybe I shouldn't have turned my phone off. Oh well, I have to call Jo Ann."
What Marlee didn't count on was that she wasn't the only one that was looking for a job. Siddalee wanted a job too. She was not a bit happy that Marlee had gotten the very job that she had wanted. "I love being outdoors. I should have had that job. I even made a wish on a dandelion that I would get a fun job and then I didn't get it. I just don't understand this at all. Dandelion wishes must not work. I don't want a job anyway. I'd sooner ride my bike and have fun."
Marlee followed the lady and her daughter, Addison to their house. "Oh, this is a really big job. It's hot outside too. I don't know if I can do this. Maybe I should tell her to get a grown up. However, Marlee had always taken herself seriously. She straightened her shoulders and said, "Okay, what would you like me to do? I'm ready to go to work." And work she did. It was so very hot. What Marlee didn't know was that her family was keeping a close eye on her and the lady did most of the work. It seemed that Marlee's job was playing with Addison which she enjoyed. It seemed like it took a really long time, but soon the swing set was all put together and Addison loved it!
When Marlee's family had left the karaoke store, Grandma B had picked up a newspaper from one of the stands. As she was waiting for Marlee to finish her job she decided to look through the little papers she had purchased. One of the papers was a lost and found free newspaper. As she leafed through it she couldn't believe her eyes! There was an ad where someone was trying to find an owner of pictures of children that had been stuck to the bottom of a trash can that belonged to Marleewood. The lady left her phone number and address hoping to find the owner of the photos.
Grandma B recognized one of the photos right away. She turned on her phone and found a lot of messages. "Oops, maybe I shouldn't have turned my phone off. Oh well, I have to call Jo Ann."
Friday, July 17, 2020
Marlee Needs A Job
Grandma Lu was just getting ready to leave Marleewood. Grandma B and her son and his wife and their little girl, Whitlee Jo were on their way to Colorado. They were secretly following Marlee to make sure she was safe and sound. Grandma Lu was just walking out the door when she heard the phone ring. She just about didn't answer it but thought she probably should. She said, "Hello? No, Grandma B isn't here. She and her family are on vacation. Could I take a message? They will probably be back in about a week."
Marlee was determined to get out there on her own, however, Gracie had teamed up with her and Kyler was following a few miles behind. The closer they got to Colorado they noticed that the weather was not a bit nice. The wind was howling and they even saw some snow the closer they got to the Colorado border. Marlee was a little bit worried. She had run out of money just like she thought she might. She pulled over at a little place just off the road. Grace's mother pulled over too. She wanted to know what was going on. Marlee said, "I've run out of money. I need to get a job. This place looks like I could sing karaoke here. They have lots of microphones. I can just see myself singing here. Will you guys wait while I go ask if I can work here?"
While Marlee was 'singing for her supper' so to speak her mama and daddy and Grandma B had gone inside and bought Whitlee Jo a cowboy hat. She was going out west too and loved her new look.
Addie and her mama were in the store looking at swingsets for Addie. She was getting to be a big girl and loved to be outside. The problem was that Addie's mama needed help putting it together when she got it home. She just happened to hear Marlee asking about a job as she was walking up to the counter. "Hmm, she's kind of small, but I wonder if she would do a good job helping me put this thing together." She looked over and saw Grandma B and her family watching Marlee. She knew then that she would talk to them and get their okay. She also wanted to know the scoop about why Marlee, a little girl who looked to be about three or four years old was wanting a job.
Grandma B and her friends had planned a trip to Mexico, but because of the virus they had had to cancel it. She could practice social distancing while she was with her family on the trip to Colorado. She could help keep an eye on Marlee and have fun with the rest of her family. She would wear a face mask when she needed to; wash her hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizer when she couldn't. At the last minute she turned her phone off. She was on vacation after all. She grinned and started visiting with the lady up by the counter. "This is so much fun," she thought. "I just love meeting new people when I'm on vacation. Cute little girl too. I think Marlee should take the job."
Will Abby's mom tell Grandma Lu that Abby found her check? Will Grandma Lu try to get in touch with Grandma B? Will Marlee and Grace and Kyler continue on their quest to find Grandma Lu's stimulus check? And what will Mother Nature do next? So many questions.
Marlee was determined to get out there on her own, however, Gracie had teamed up with her and Kyler was following a few miles behind. The closer they got to Colorado they noticed that the weather was not a bit nice. The wind was howling and they even saw some snow the closer they got to the Colorado border. Marlee was a little bit worried. She had run out of money just like she thought she might. She pulled over at a little place just off the road. Grace's mother pulled over too. She wanted to know what was going on. Marlee said, "I've run out of money. I need to get a job. This place looks like I could sing karaoke here. They have lots of microphones. I can just see myself singing here. Will you guys wait while I go ask if I can work here?"
While Marlee was 'singing for her supper' so to speak her mama and daddy and Grandma B had gone inside and bought Whitlee Jo a cowboy hat. She was going out west too and loved her new look.
Addie and her mama were in the store looking at swingsets for Addie. She was getting to be a big girl and loved to be outside. The problem was that Addie's mama needed help putting it together when she got it home. She just happened to hear Marlee asking about a job as she was walking up to the counter. "Hmm, she's kind of small, but I wonder if she would do a good job helping me put this thing together." She looked over and saw Grandma B and her family watching Marlee. She knew then that she would talk to them and get their okay. She also wanted to know the scoop about why Marlee, a little girl who looked to be about three or four years old was wanting a job.
Grandma B and her friends had planned a trip to Mexico, but because of the virus they had had to cancel it. She could practice social distancing while she was with her family on the trip to Colorado. She could help keep an eye on Marlee and have fun with the rest of her family. She would wear a face mask when she needed to; wash her hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizer when she couldn't. At the last minute she turned her phone off. She was on vacation after all. She grinned and started visiting with the lady up by the counter. "This is so much fun," she thought. "I just love meeting new people when I'm on vacation. Cute little girl too. I think Marlee should take the job."
Will Abby's mom tell Grandma Lu that Abby found her check? Will Grandma Lu try to get in touch with Grandma B? Will Marlee and Grace and Kyler continue on their quest to find Grandma Lu's stimulus check? And what will Mother Nature do next? So many questions.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Mother Nature Has A Plan
The roads from Marleewood lead to Kansas. From Kansas you can go right to Colorado, however, the wind blows whichever way Mother Nature decides. While Marlee is on her mission to question the thief that took Marleewood's trash can, Mother Nature is having a really good time with Grandma Lu's stimulus check. It blew out of the trash truck and went about fifty miles before a lady discovered that she had a trash can with the Marleewood logo on the front.
It also had some papers and pictures in the bottom of the can. The lady who found them had no clue who Marlee and Whitlee were. Their names were on the back of the pictures. So she put a wanted ad in the local newspaper hoping to find their parents or at least someone who knew them. She chose one of the pictures to put in the paper because the man's shirt said daddy. "Hopefully someone will know this guy," she said to herself.
That lady lived in the woods and had about twenty turkeys and deer that would come to her house every night for some cracked corn and treats. One big old Tom Turkey even had moved the check with his feet so he could get to his corn.
There had been a storm later on that day and the wind was howling something fierce. Well that wind took that check almost back to Marleewood. A racoon by the name of Randy was going to wash his hands and check it out, but before he could do that the wind blew it up high into a tree on the Anderson Farm. Kyler almost found it but Mother Nature was too fast for him. She had a plan for that check. It was going to Oklahoma where she had another storm brewing. She loved to see that piece of paper swirl in the wind. She had decided to make it fly clear across the country, but Mother Nature got tired of playing and decided to rest for awhile.
Abby was busy weeding for her mom and found the check! It was all tangled up in the weeds by the fence. She took it into the house and showed it to her mom. "Who is Grandma Lu, Mom? What shall we do with this check? Is it real or is somebody just playing around.?"
"No, I don't know a Grandma Lu, but I remember a Grandma B. She lives in a small town where Marleewood is. Remember she wanted some pictures of the horses that we rescue? She has a mini farm where she raises minis just like our rescues not long back. Kane liked brushing and lovin' on Cochise, didn't he? We were so happy he was adopted and now he has a wonderful home. I wonder if they know each other. I'll go see if I still have her phone number and give her a call. In the meantime why don't you go put that check on my desk and wash up. I bet I can find you a nice cold drink for being such a great help today."
Abby did just that, but before she left she opened the window in her mom's office. It was so hot the fresh air felt really good....
Mother Nature woke up from her nap and thought she was ready for some fun. "I think Colorado is a pretty place. Okay, wind do your thing! And out the window went Grandma Lu's stimulus check.
It also had some papers and pictures in the bottom of the can. The lady who found them had no clue who Marlee and Whitlee were. Their names were on the back of the pictures. So she put a wanted ad in the local newspaper hoping to find their parents or at least someone who knew them. She chose one of the pictures to put in the paper because the man's shirt said daddy. "Hopefully someone will know this guy," she said to herself.
That lady lived in the woods and had about twenty turkeys and deer that would come to her house every night for some cracked corn and treats. One big old Tom Turkey even had moved the check with his feet so he could get to his corn.
There had been a storm later on that day and the wind was howling something fierce. Well that wind took that check almost back to Marleewood. A racoon by the name of Randy was going to wash his hands and check it out, but before he could do that the wind blew it up high into a tree on the Anderson Farm. Kyler almost found it but Mother Nature was too fast for him. She had a plan for that check. It was going to Oklahoma where she had another storm brewing. She loved to see that piece of paper swirl in the wind. She had decided to make it fly clear across the country, but Mother Nature got tired of playing and decided to rest for awhile.
Abby was busy weeding for her mom and found the check! It was all tangled up in the weeds by the fence. She took it into the house and showed it to her mom. "Who is Grandma Lu, Mom? What shall we do with this check? Is it real or is somebody just playing around.?"
"No, I don't know a Grandma Lu, but I remember a Grandma B. She lives in a small town where Marleewood is. Remember she wanted some pictures of the horses that we rescue? She has a mini farm where she raises minis just like our rescues not long back. Kane liked brushing and lovin' on Cochise, didn't he? We were so happy he was adopted and now he has a wonderful home. I wonder if they know each other. I'll go see if I still have her phone number and give her a call. In the meantime why don't you go put that check on my desk and wash up. I bet I can find you a nice cold drink for being such a great help today."
Abby did just that, but before she left she opened the window in her mom's office. It was so hot the fresh air felt really good....
Mother Nature woke up from her nap and thought she was ready for some fun. "I think Colorado is a pretty place. Okay, wind do your thing! And out the window went Grandma Lu's stimulus check.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Gracie And Marlee Join Forces
Marlee was slowly making her way to Colorado to question the leader of the ring of trash can thieves. She thinks that she may have thrown away Grandma Lu's stimulus check into Marleewood's trash can which was taken by a bad guy. Marlee is also the volunteer chief of police in her Marleewood area. She is driving her big old Barber camper. Since she is getting close to her destination; Colorado, she has decided to change into her police uniform. She was going to stop at the gas station along the way to get some water when who does she see, but Gracie. "She's not old enough to drive. What is she doing out here? I guess I'm going to have to give her a ticket," she chuckled to herself.
Grace has been hired by Grandma Lu as a private investigator to find her stimulus check. She has stopped for gas, but she thought that she was way ahead of Marlee and Kyler. When Marlee tells Gracie she is going to have to give her a ticket for driving without a license, Gracie laughs and says I'm not driving; my mom is. Besides that, I am on my way to find the guy that took Marleewood's trash can. I need to find Grandma Lu's stimulus check. She said she would pay me, but I'm not going to take her money when I find it. This is a fun trip. Spencer came along too. I wonder what happened to that check." Marlee said, "Boy me too. I sure hope that bad guy tells me what I need to know."
After some talking and putting their heads together the girls decided that they would join forces and get the thief to tell them where Grandma Lu's check was. It wouldn't be long before they would get there. They were already seeing people wearing cowboy hats. They could see mountains in the distance. Colorado was not far away.
Kyler was having a grand time at the Anderson Farm. He loved all the animals, but he told David that he needed to get going. He was looking for the missing check of Grandma Lu's. David said, "Is that the Grandma Lu that tells stories at Marleewood?" Kyler said, "Yup, that's her. I want to find it so she can have some extra money. I also want to hear another story. She hasn't told one for a long long time. Marleewood's been closed you know."
David said, "Yes, I know. I heard that. Well thanks for stopping. You are welcome here anytime."
As Kyler left he could hear a squirrel scolding from the trees. He just grinned and got back on the road. He loved the country. He sure did wish his big sister, Marlee, had come along on this trip. He missed her.
Grace has been hired by Grandma Lu as a private investigator to find her stimulus check. She has stopped for gas, but she thought that she was way ahead of Marlee and Kyler. When Marlee tells Gracie she is going to have to give her a ticket for driving without a license, Gracie laughs and says I'm not driving; my mom is. Besides that, I am on my way to find the guy that took Marleewood's trash can. I need to find Grandma Lu's stimulus check. She said she would pay me, but I'm not going to take her money when I find it. This is a fun trip. Spencer came along too. I wonder what happened to that check." Marlee said, "Boy me too. I sure hope that bad guy tells me what I need to know."
After some talking and putting their heads together the girls decided that they would join forces and get the thief to tell them where Grandma Lu's check was. It wouldn't be long before they would get there. They were already seeing people wearing cowboy hats. They could see mountains in the distance. Colorado was not far away.
Kyler was having a grand time at the Anderson Farm. He loved all the animals, but he told David that he needed to get going. He was looking for the missing check of Grandma Lu's. David said, "Is that the Grandma Lu that tells stories at Marleewood?" Kyler said, "Yup, that's her. I want to find it so she can have some extra money. I also want to hear another story. She hasn't told one for a long long time. Marleewood's been closed you know."
David said, "Yes, I know. I heard that. Well thanks for stopping. You are welcome here anytime."
As Kyler left he could hear a squirrel scolding from the trees. He just grinned and got back on the road. He loved the country. He sure did wish his big sister, Marlee, had come along on this trip. He missed her.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Kyler Stops At The Anderson Family Farm
Grandma Lu thought that she might put up a reward poster offering a little money for the return of her stimulus check. She could really use that money. It just irritated her something fierce that someone had taken Marleewood's trash can. "Oh well, it's just a little money and if someone finds it I will be eternally grateful." So she took the picture that she had taken of her check and made a poster out of it. "There. Now I just have to wait and see what happens."
Kyler was in his daddy's big rig and had seen the reward poster that Grandma Lu had put up at the Marleewood parking lot. He picked it up and thought, "I'm sure going to try and find Grandma Lu's check for her. I'm not going to take the reward either. I'm just going to take a hug and a story if she's got a new one," he smiled.
Kyler had heard that Marlee was headed towards Colorado to question the trash can thief so he headed up the highway. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Anderson Family Farm corner. "I will just stop a minute. I love their goats and alpacas. Since I'm there I'll have a look around. Maybe just by accident that check might have flown out of the truck and landed around here somewhere."
Kyler loved Sophia, the alpaca. She was so cuddly and pretty with all of her fur. He liked the goats too, but they were always really busy jumping and playing around. As he stood there watching Sophia he saw something that he thought he recognized laying on the ground by her feet. His attention was soon turned to watch Roxie. She was a little goat on the Anderson Farm that had had goat polio. It made walking and sitting more difficult, but she managed just fine and enjoyed eating a few flowers while Kyler was there.
Maddie was in the pool at the campground and was watching Marlee getting ready to leave. She had gone fishing and boy was it hot. So she got her suit on and jumped in the pool. Maddie would have loved to have Marlee stay and swim with her, but she heard she was going to Colorado for some reason, but couldn't remember what it was.

What Marlee didn't know was that Gracie was quite a few miles ahead of her. She had stopped for gas and would probably reach Colorado before Marlee did. She too was on a mission to find out where Grandma Lu's stimulus check was. Did Grandma Lu forget that she had hired Grace? She has put up a reward plus hired a private investigator. Will Kyler stop at that same gas station? There are so many questions to be answered.
Kyler was in his daddy's big rig and had seen the reward poster that Grandma Lu had put up at the Marleewood parking lot. He picked it up and thought, "I'm sure going to try and find Grandma Lu's check for her. I'm not going to take the reward either. I'm just going to take a hug and a story if she's got a new one," he smiled.
Kyler had heard that Marlee was headed towards Colorado to question the trash can thief so he headed up the highway. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Anderson Family Farm corner. "I will just stop a minute. I love their goats and alpacas. Since I'm there I'll have a look around. Maybe just by accident that check might have flown out of the truck and landed around here somewhere."
Kyler loved Sophia, the alpaca. She was so cuddly and pretty with all of her fur. He liked the goats too, but they were always really busy jumping and playing around. As he stood there watching Sophia he saw something that he thought he recognized laying on the ground by her feet. His attention was soon turned to watch Roxie. She was a little goat on the Anderson Farm that had had goat polio. It made walking and sitting more difficult, but she managed just fine and enjoyed eating a few flowers while Kyler was there.
Maddie was in the pool at the campground and was watching Marlee getting ready to leave. She had gone fishing and boy was it hot. So she got her suit on and jumped in the pool. Maddie would have loved to have Marlee stay and swim with her, but she heard she was going to Colorado for some reason, but couldn't remember what it was.
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