Belle had told her mother that the old campground was a little spooky. She said she felt like she was being watched and could almost feel and hear animals in the woods. She did have a good night's rest in the camper though and woke up starving! "I'm hungry this morning, Mom. What's for breakfast?" Her mother grinned and said, "How's bacon and eggs sound? I even have some frozen waffles to toast. There's orange juice in the fridge. Why don't you pour both of us a glass while I get breakfast together. This campground isn't so bad. It is nice that we have propane and batty power to run the fridge though. Nice cold orange juice will hit the spot this morning."
Belle thought she heard something outside. "Mom, I think there is someone outside. Do you think it's the robbers? I don't think I'm hungry anymore. Maybe we should just go home." Her mom smiled and said, "I went outside this morning before you woke up. Everything is fine out there. Of course, there will be animals in the timber. It's okay. Why don't you take a look? Breakfast will be ready in just a bit."

Belle looked around the campground, but it was no longer empty. There were animals everywhere! There were horses, dogs, cats and whatever else she wasn't about to look for. "Mom! Come here! Look at this. There are animals everywhere." Belle's mom came to the door and looked around. "Yes there are animals all around us. It looks like these animals are hungry, Belle. I don't think they live here. I think they have been looking for food. Some of them are thin. Let me call Allie at the Dude Ranch. I think she will know what to do. Why don't you come in and get them some water. I think I have a big bucket they can take turns drinking from."
As Belle started walking back to the camper she thought she saw something familiar laying in the trees and tall grass. "What is that, I wonder?" As she walked towards the tall grass she yelled, "Mom! Henny is here! I have found Henny!"
Belle's mom came out of the camper on a run. "Where? Show me. Oh dear. She looks the worse for wear, doesn't she? Did you find your purse and sunglasses too? No. Well, let's be grateful you found your little friend. What do you mean she's lumpy? Let me see. Oh, you are right. And she's really heavy. Let's take her in the camper and see what is going on."
When they got in the camper they put Belle's favorite stuffed animal on the table. Sure enough there was something stuffed inside. "Look there is a bag. It looks like one of those old money bags people used to take to the bank to deposit their money." Belle's mom pulled it out and poor Henny was now really skinny. "What's in the bag, Mom? Oh wow! I think that's silver. You don't suppose those robbers had stolen this and had put it in Henny's tummy, do you?"
"I don't know, my Belle, but we need to call the sheriff about this."
While she was on the phone Allie, drove up. When she got out she saw some of the animals scurry into the woods looking for safety. "This just has to stop. Why are people doing this to me? It's almost like they want me to go back to the city." She stood there looking around this old campground thinking about her ancestors and what they did with this land. She should call the old miner. He probably could tell her stories for a week.
Justin and Josh had a long talk. Neither one of them wanted to work the ranch. Justin was only interested in politics and helping the people in his state of Illinois. Josh loved the ranch and Allie, but he didn't want ownership of the ranch. He had an idea and decided that he would talk it over with Allie to see what she thought. "Want to come out to the Double D with me and see what you're missing?" he joked. Justin said, "Sure. I'd like to see Allie on her home turf and just take a look around." About that time Josh saw the sheriff in his rear view mirror. He soon passed them. "The sheriff's in a hurry and he's got his lights and siren on. I wonder where he's off to. Oh no, he's turning into the Double D. What else can happen to Allie? Look over there! There is a group of riders and horses coming across the south pasture. What's going on? Hold on Allie we are on our way."
Lightfoot had gotten Merlin's message. It had taken some doing, but as usual his very sharp teeth had worked wonders on the rope that his human had tied him with to the trailer. They thought they were going to clean his teeth, but that wasn't happening today! He had a job to do and he was on his way!
"Quit yer screaming you big babies. This is what you get for being mean to a little girl. My partner and all his buddies are coming soon. In the meantime you just sit still and I won't bite you very hard, just a little to remind you of all the bad things you and your partner did."
Soon the sheriff, Allie, Justin and Josh saw what was happening and oh how they laughed. One little horse had two bad guys pinned with his sharp teeth. Every time they moved an inch he either would bite harder or kick them in the shins. The sheriff ran over and handcuffed the robbers just as Merlin and all the horses and their owners were arriving. He put them in the patrol car and went to talk to Belle and her mom about the money bag. He verified that the bag was indeed full of silver. The thieves had a lot of answering to do. He took the bag as evidence and proceeded to take the culprits back to town in a very small eight by ten cell where they could cool their heels.
Sarah took one look and said, "Lightfoot, now what are you doing? I left you tied up so I could clean your teeth and here you are rounding up the bad guys. Merlin stomped his foot and shook his mane congratulating his little friend when he realized that Penny wasn't on his back. "Penny, where are you? Did you jump down? Or did you fall off. I hope you are okay." Merlin watched the humans with sad eyes. He knew that something had happened to his friend. He turned around and started walking back the way that he had come. "Penny! Where are you?"
Laura and Paul drove into the Double D house yard as the sheriff was leaving. "I wonder what's going on now? Paul be careful. Look there's a horse in the road and isn't that Allie?" Paul slowed the car to almost an idle. He stopped the car and watched as Allie was dripping water into a hen's beak. The huge golden horse was making soft noses and blowing softly through his nose as he bent down to check on his little friend. "Laura, I think that chicken is ours. Wasn't she just sitting on the fence the other day? I love the way she likes to visit with us when we have coffee on the back porch. Yes, I think that's her. I wonder how in the world she got all the way out here. Honey, she doesn't look so good. Allie, I think that's our chicken. We'll take her home. Thanks for taking such good care of her. We have no idea how she got all the way out here."

As Paul reached down to pick up the chicken Merlin started to shake his head and get in between Paul and the car. "What's wrong boy? Do you and our little hen know each other?" Merlin's front leg pawed the dirt and gave a loud whinny. "I think you are friends. Well, I'll tell you what, boy. We are going to take her home and give her lots of good food and water. She will be comfortable with us. Okay?"
Allie watched the horse respond to the man and wondered how a horse and a chicken could ever be friends, but then she grinned and thought, "I guess they can be friends if Josh and I can. But he is so maddening." About that time she heard a noise behind her. She whirled around and fell. On the way down she twisted her ankle. She screamed in pain. " Wonderful, I think I just broke my leg!" Paul gave the chicken to Laura and he and Josh picked up Allie and put her in the back of the Josh's car. They were on their way to the hospital.
Her first and only paying customers were wondering what to do now as they watched the owner of the Double D Ranch being rushed to the hospital probably with a broken leg. This was not what they expected their vacation to be like. However, it was kind of exciting though.