Grandma B needed to talk to Grandma Lu in the worst way! So she took the Ranger over to her house. She walked up the steps and for some reason she didn't knock on the door, but instead she looked through the screen door and saw Grandma Lu sound asleep in a rocking chair with a smile on her face.
You usually don't wake old people up from a nap, but today was an exception. So "B" went into the living room and said, "Grandma Lu, wake up I need to talk to you." Grandma Lu woke up and saw "B". She said, "B, why didn't you call me? I would have baked some cookies. Do you have Marlee with you today?"
Grandma B said, "No, I don't have Marlee. I need to ask you some questions please. I need to know all about Carole's Baby Carole Anne Doll.

Grandma Lu sighed and said, "I figured I was going to have to break my promise someday. I just hate to break a promise. A promise is my word that I will keep a secret if I possibly can. But it seems that after all these years, I cannot keep this promise any longer."
Grandma Lu looked sad, but she walked out to the kitchen and asked Grandma B to follow her. She fixed them each something cool to drink and said to B. "Now I am going to talk and I don't want you to interrupt me until I am finished. Do you understand, "B"? No talking, just quiet." Grandma B nodded her head and took a sip of her drink and sat quietly in her chair. She listened and did not say a word while she heard the most extraordinary story ever!
A long long time ago, a young man and his wife had a baby girl. Her name was Carole Anne Rogers. They loved her very much and dressed her up so cute. But she didn't have a toy. They were very poor and didn't have money for toys like Marlee has. Her daddy was a soldier and soldiers didn't make very much money. Not near enough money for defending our country with his life. At the end of his life it was apparent that was exactly what he did do.
So Carole's mama and daddy talked about getting her a doll. They decided that every little girl needed a doll so her daddy went to the store. He got her the softest, prettiest doll you ever saw. She had big blue eyes and wore a bonnet and booties. But it was her dress that was so special. It was lace. Oh, it was just beautiful. Her bonnet and booties matched her dress. She was such a pretty doll.
Because Carole's daddy had to leave home to go to work in the Army Carole's mama was left by herself to care for her baby. The story goes that whenever Carole got tired her mama would give her her doll and she would go sound asleep.

As Carole got older all her mama would have to do is put one of her doll's booties close by her and she would fall asleep. Sometimes she would fall asleep too. Carole's doll had a soothing affect on people. Sometimes visitors would get drowsy when they came to visit.
"The problem is a big one, Grandma B. When I gave Carole's doll to the Toy Museum, I thought that was the best thing to do since I was getting old. I thought it would be safe. But I got a call two (2) weeks ago, that Carole's doll is missing. I just know that a small person is in trouble. Since you are my dearest friend, could you help me find her?"
Grandma B's eyes were big and round. She had not touched her drink, but had sat very still and listened just like Grandma Lu had asked her to do. "Well, of course, I will help you. That story just answered all my questions. That's why when I was so tired I would see the doll booties. Marlee even had one in her crib! Okay, what do we do first?"
Grandma Lu said, "We go to Branson, Missouri to the Toy Museum. I need some answers."
B said, "Get your purse, my friend, we are about to go on an adventure."
The picture of the doll in this story is Baby Doll Carole Anne the last time she was seen. Note: She has no booties on her feet.