Marlee had a sad face today. It was raining outside so she couldn't go outside and look for treasure today. Marlee couldn't make her face smile. Grandma B was trying so hard to make Marlee have a happy face. "Hmm, thought Grandma B, what can I do to help Marlee be a happy girl today?" Grandma saw Marlee's treasure box and decided that there was no reason why Marlee couldn't have a treasure hunt in the house and outside when it wasn't raining. She brought Marlee her treasure box and said, "Marlee let's look for treasure in the house today." Marlee ran to get her treasure box. She set it on Grandma B's footstool on her porch. She still had her jammies on, but she didn't want to wait. She wanted to look for treasure with her Grandma B.

"Oh, look what I found, Grandma B, I found a button!" Marlee didn't look sad anymore.
"This could be fun," thought Marlee. Grandma B was busy so Marlee looked up and down and all around. She found lots of treasures. She found another button, she found an earring of her Grandma B's. Marlee found a coin and a little bag with good looking "stuff" in it.
Oh, she looked serious, but she was having a good time searching for treasure. Then she found a key, another coin, and another coin, "Oh, this is fun,"thought Marlee.
Grandma B told Marlee that she had found enough treasure for this morning, but she could keep her treasures in her new Treasure Box.

Marlee had a sad face again. Then Grandma B said, "Ok, let's get dressed the rain has stopped and we can go outside and look for more treasure again. Then Marlee got a happy face. Marlee had her pink sweatshirt on and her tennis shoes on and she was ready to go outside with her Grandma B. Marlee took her Treasure Box with her, but oh no, she dropped it and her treasures fell out on the floor! "That's ok, said Grandma B, I'll help you pick up your treasures then we can go on our walk."
Well that was good, but Marlee needed to stop for a few minutes and look at her treasures. After all Marlee's treasures were new and worth looking at more than once.
Marlee had a smile on her face when she looked at her treasures. She was thinking about all the fun she was going to have with them.
Then Marlee did something she wasn't supposed to do. Grandma B had a rule that the only thing that Marlee could put in her mouth was food. Marlee loved Grandma B's food. But this treasure looked like it might be good. Then she heard Grandma B say, "No, Marlee, that isn't food, don't put that in your mouth! This is what Marlee did: What do you think Grandma B said to Marlee?